Took about an hour to assemble. The easy to follow instructions balance out the finicky and frustrating screw placement (though I understand why it was engineered the way it was). The finished product is fine not overwhelmingly exciting, just fine. My cat is on the large side, Im not sure he will utilize the hidey holes, but Im sure he will love the top perch. Due to his size, the tree is a little less stable than Im fully confident with. This review is assuming that there will be no issues with stability / I will update if I run into problems.
Overall, neat and well priced product, but consider carefully before purchase if your kitty is sized large or generally heavy (my cat is 18lbs, pretty big and slightly overweight).
My cats love this cat tree. It was easy to assemble, but some of the parts are obviously cheap. The lower level is a thin cotton/plastic sheet that has to be wrapped around and is velcroed into place. The top level is a sheet of wood and the fabric is wrapped around it. Overall Im glad I bought it, and I think the price is very fitting.
So sturdy! My two kitties are cry and running like a tiny horses, but this thing doesnt move. Its also big enough for both of them to cuddle there comfortably.
I live in an apartment and my cat always like to sit at the back balcony door and look outside. I bought her this and she loves it! The base is big and solid so there was no need to anchor it to the wall. My fear of it tipping over were gone when it was assembled.
My husband and I put this together in 30 mins. It was very easy to read the directions to assemble the tower. Afterwards my 3 fur babies which I have a 7lb, 23lb, 18lb they went ahead an poked around to see what it was. They loved it. They were rolling around on the top and poking in and out of the houses it was great to see. Im so happy I got this i highly recommend it
Quick assemble review and use with large cat
Took about an hour to assemble. The easy to follow instructions balance out the finicky and frustrating screw placement (though I understand why it was engineered the way it was). The finished product is fine not overwhelmingly exciting, just fine. My cat is on the large side, Im not sure he will utilize the hidey holes, but Im sure he will love the top perch. Due to his size, the tree is a little less stable than Im fully confident with. This review is assuming that there will be no issues with stability / I will update if I run into problems. Overall, neat and well priced product, but consider carefully before purchase if your kitty is sized large or generally heavy (my cat is 18lbs, pretty big and slightly overweight).
Great product! Perfect height as to not be an eyesore
Perfect for The Cecil
he Cecil loves it he can see out the window
Good, but slightly cheap material.
My cats love this cat tree. It was easy to assemble, but some of the parts are obviously cheap. The lower level is a thin cotton/plastic sheet that has to be wrapped around and is velcroed into place. The top level is a sheet of wood and the fabric is wrapped around it. Overall Im glad I bought it, and I think the price is very fitting.
Love it
So sturdy! My two kitties are cry and running like a tiny horses, but this thing doesnt move. Its also big enough for both of them to cuddle there comfortably.
Great start!
Worth the money! My fur babies really like this condo! It is fairly sturdy.
Solid, Sturdy and Comfy!
I live in an apartment and my cat always like to sit at the back balcony door and look outside. I bought her this and she loves it! The base is big and solid so there was no need to anchor it to the wall. My fear of it tipping over were gone when it was assembled.
Me and my fur babies love this tower
My husband and I put this together in 30 mins. It was very easy to read the directions to assemble the tower. Afterwards my 3 fur babies which I have a 7lb, 23lb, 18lb they went ahead an poked around to see what it was. They loved it. They were rolling around on the top and poking in and out of the houses it was great to see. Im so happy I got this i highly recommend it
Good product!
17lbs loves it!
Be sure you have the correct count on all the screws
Cat loves it. I was missing a screw but luckily found a replacement at my hardware store
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