I dont know where else you can get a six/drawer chest for this price and have it be decent quality. The assembly took about three hours. Instructions were clear and it all came together easily, though you will need to be on hands and knees a while. A few spare parts were even included. Looks good, works. Most of it is pressboard but the drawer side walls are cut pine so it has a real wood smell.
This dresser was rather easy to assemble though it did take some time to do so, about 4 hours. It is very sturdy and the drawers go in easily and sit perfectly. The directions were excellent. I am very pleased with the dresser. I used a bit of Elmers wood glue which always makes these assembly pieces of furniture much more durable. I strongly recommend using a cordless screwdriver.
I got the 4 drawer black dresser and so far its held up very nicely. Very sturdy and good for the money! The inside of the drawers are a lot smaller than I was expecting, but it still works just fine and Im very happy with the product. Took me a good few hours to assemble all by myself, but it wasnt too difficult to the point where I was struggling. A bit of caution for those who arent handy with assembly, none of my parts came labeled which might have just been a defect with mine specifically, and it wasnt a problem for me but it might be a problem for others. I also was missing only one screw thing, so I just took an extra I was given of a different kind and glued it in and made it work. Again, working great so far! Looking forward to buying the 6 drawer here soon!
The color is nice but really uneven on top peice. The instructions are hard to apply and only 2 peices were labeled abc etc. Would I recommend it NO NO NO! AND we were missing some hardware peices.
Good value for money, clear instructions
I dont know where else you can get a six/drawer chest for this price and have it be decent quality. The assembly took about three hours. Instructions were clear and it all came together easily, though you will need to be on hands and knees a while. A few spare parts were even included. Looks good, works. Most of it is pressboard but the drawer side walls are cut pine so it has a real wood smell.
Short dresser perfect for toddlers room!
Perfect for my toddlers room !! Easy to put together and fast shopping!
Nice dresser!
This dresser was rather easy to assemble though it did take some time to do so, about 4 hours. It is very sturdy and the drawers go in easily and sit perfectly. The directions were excellent. I am very pleased with the dresser. I used a bit of Elmers wood glue which always makes these assembly pieces of furniture much more durable. I strongly recommend using a cordless screwdriver.
Great product
Great size and quality for the price, its perfect in my childs room. Package arrived well packed and carefully handled!
Good for price!
I got the 4 drawer black dresser and so far its held up very nicely. Very sturdy and good for the money! The inside of the drawers are a lot smaller than I was expecting, but it still works just fine and Im very happy with the product. Took me a good few hours to assemble all by myself, but it wasnt too difficult to the point where I was struggling. A bit of caution for those who arent handy with assembly, none of my parts came labeled which might have just been a defect with mine specifically, and it wasnt a problem for me but it might be a problem for others. I also was missing only one screw thing, so I just took an extra I was given of a different kind and glued it in and made it work. Again, working great so far! Looking forward to buying the 6 drawer here soon!
Overall happy with the product
The instructions werent great
Easy to assemble
Nice sturdy piece
Not worth the time and aggravation!
The color is nice but really uneven on top peice. The instructions are hard to apply and only 2 peices were labeled abc etc. Would I recommend it NO NO NO! AND we were missing some hardware peices.
Very nice
Very satisfy with their product!
perfect size
love it fits perfect in the closet to have more floor space in small bedroom
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