Me and my kids love it. Assembly took a little time but was fun, complete with instructions. It would help to have two people with tools assemble it. it was sturdy and just beautiful. Me and my kids just loved it. I was even able to lay down comfortably on the top bunk. The stairs is just perfect for my two year old who loved climbing up and down there safely with supervision. It is not high enough that my two year old could even stand on the top bunk with enough room from the ceiling. I could also sit up in the top bunk and not hit my head on the ceiling. Truly worth the money. No problems so far after two months. Very satisfied buyer. Would definitely recommend.
This bed is perfect. The directions were there and accurate it was just overwhelming at first with all the pieces and parts. My husband and son-in-law put it together in about 4 hours it looks great and the grandkids love it. The smell is just from being painted I am sure that will go away in time.
Fantastic bed!
Me and my kids love it. Assembly took a little time but was fun, complete with instructions. It would help to have two people with tools assemble it. it was sturdy and just beautiful. Me and my kids just loved it. I was even able to lay down comfortably on the top bunk. The stairs is just perfect for my two year old who loved climbing up and down there safely with supervision. It is not high enough that my two year old could even stand on the top bunk with enough room from the ceiling. I could also sit up in the top bunk and not hit my head on the ceiling. Truly worth the money. No problems so far after two months. Very satisfied buyer. Would definitely recommend.
We bought it for my nephews. It was easy for their dad and uncle to assemble and they love it! Especially the extra storage.
Love the bed
This bed is perfect. The directions were there and accurate it was just overwhelming at first with all the pieces and parts. My husband and son-in-law put it together in about 4 hours it looks great and the grandkids love it. The smell is just from being painted I am sure that will go away in time.
Great bed
It was easy to put together about 2hrs. My son LOVES it. I would recommend this bed for all kids.
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