Not very good quality. Questioning how long it will stay standing honestly. Took me about 2 hours to build and was missing a couple screws but made due. Instructions are super tricky so ready carefully
Great product but one part of the bed did not line up with another part. It was the top bunk end piece so I had to drill new holes. Instructions were really small and at times a little vague on what way the boards went.
But the bed is very sturdy and my daughter loves it.
My daughters slide broke within 8/9 days after we assembled it. And it was not simple to assemble some screws didnt fit well and then got stuck and stripped when we tried to remove it. So part of hwr bed just isnt put together. I paid for a warranty that i never received as well.
After reading the reviews, I went ahead and ordered with my fingers crossed. They look aming and the grandkids love them! It took my husband and a friend about 1 1/2 almost 2 hours to assemble but they said it really wasnt too bad. Love them!
Not very good quality. Questioning how long it will stay standing honestly. Took me about 2 hours to build and was missing a couple screws but made due. Instructions are super tricky so ready carefully
4 stars!
Easy to assemble. However there were a few pre drilled holes that still made the wood crack when the screws were tightened.
Nice bed
Side is a little off putting but still sturdy. Over all good buy.
Good buy
Super easy to assemble, sturdy and so many options for set up! My 4 year old daughter is in heaven
Ready directions carefully
My 5 year old just loves it
Great product but.
Great product but one part of the bed did not line up with another part. It was the top bunk end piece so I had to drill new holes. Instructions were really small and at times a little vague on what way the boards went. But the bed is very sturdy and my daughter loves it.
Slide broke in little over a week
My daughters slide broke within 8/9 days after we assembled it. And it was not simple to assemble some screws didnt fit well and then got stuck and stripped when we tried to remove it. So part of hwr bed just isnt put together. I paid for a warranty that i never received as well.
Over all great bed
Great bed just cant get the chalk board to attach
Best Cost I found
Great product for the cost. Searched for something in a reasonable price range. Not disappointed. Would buy again! And my large 5 year old loves it.
Great product!
After reading the reviews, I went ahead and ordered with my fingers crossed. They look aming and the grandkids love them! It took my husband and a friend about 1 1/2 almost 2 hours to assemble but they said it really wasnt too bad. Love them!
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