We bought this for our daughter who absolutely loves the slide and has even tumbled off a few times but thats to be expected. The quality is good but just expected the wood to be thicker and more sturdy. It also came with a lot of nicks and cracks but overall happy with the purchase.
I feel like I got duped because after you open the packaging its hard to return. On a website with only perfected pictures its hard to understand how this is so different from something that looks similar on Pottery Barn. However, the fit is not as nice, it wobbles, the wood is cheap as it is warped, additionally it isnt sanded well. A result of both warped wood and imperfect cuts, the wood panels have gaps. Actually somewhat concerned if it is safe for my kids.
Didnt have the highest of expectations, given the price point. Was completely blown away! Look and feel is very high quality. And its sturdy! Only drawback was less than ideal instructions. A little more detail and description would have made assembly less frustrating.
We got this bed for our three daughters and they absolutely love it. Saves soo much space in their bedroom and eliminates the need for the bookshelf which adds even more space for play. Highly recommend!
Received wrong box initially, but the company replaced without any issue. Paint chips off somewhat easily and the wood seems lightweight and flimsy for the cost. Still a nice bunk bed that my kids enjoy.
This was very difficult to put together. Instructions were confusing as well. Three different pieces of wood where split or cracked. The back to staircase wasnt cut right and too big to screw on. Very dissatisfied with the bed.
Nice Little Piece of Playground in your Room
We bought this for our daughter who absolutely loves the slide and has even tumbled off a few times but thats to be expected. The quality is good but just expected the wood to be thicker and more sturdy. It also came with a lot of nicks and cracks but overall happy with the purchase.
You get what you pay for
I feel like I got duped because after you open the packaging its hard to return. On a website with only perfected pictures its hard to understand how this is so different from something that looks similar on Pottery Barn. However, the fit is not as nice, it wobbles, the wood is cheap as it is warped, additionally it isnt sanded well. A result of both warped wood and imperfect cuts, the wood panels have gaps. Actually somewhat concerned if it is safe for my kids.
Sturdy, high/quality value
Didnt have the highest of expectations, given the price point. Was completely blown away! Look and feel is very high quality. And its sturdy! Only drawback was less than ideal instructions. A little more detail and description would have made assembly less frustrating.
Good purchase
My daughter is over the moon about this bed. It is very sturdy. Assembly requures 2 people, instructions are ok.
Great buy! Very pleased
We love this bed!!! My daughter is so happy with her new bunkbed! Very sturdy, easy to put together, and well worth the money!
Great bed!
We got this bed for our three daughters and they absolutely love it. Saves soo much space in their bedroom and eliminates the need for the bookshelf which adds even more space for play. Highly recommend!
Decent bunk bed.somewhat cheap feel.
Received wrong box initially, but the company replaced without any issue. Paint chips off somewhat easily and the wood seems lightweight and flimsy for the cost. Still a nice bunk bed that my kids enjoy.
Quality not the best
This was very difficult to put together. Instructions were confusing as well. Three different pieces of wood where split or cracked. The back to staircase wasnt cut right and too big to screw on. Very dissatisfied with the bed.
Great value for the money!
This bed went together pretty easy and the final result is sturdy. Great for our two grandkids!
We are very happy with the purchase.
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