The assembly was pretty easy. All the components were marked nicely. It took me around 90 mins to assemble.
Overall it looks pretty good and seems to be pretty sturdy.
But as other reviewers have pointed out, it is a bit squeaky. The weight rating is 200lbs and I want to see how it holds up with with my teenager going up and down and how stable he feels.
I am thinking of putting some straps and secure it to the wall.
We bought two, one for each of our boys. They helped put it together (had a great time building them!) and were so impressed with how great they came out. They set up a gaming station underneath and love their gaming bedroom! They are 13 and 14, around 70 and 100 pounds, 410 and 51. They always talk about how comfortable they are!
The only downsides are how much the beds move. We have thought about anchoring them into the wall and that may help provide some additional stability. The ladder rungs are also uncomfortable to climb, especially in bare feet.
Overall, the loft bed is exactly what we needed. Great style and functionality for a small bedroom at an affordable price. The assembly took about 2 1/2 hrs., as on two separate times, we had to reverse assembly on a post to flip the orientationwhich always seems to happen, is it just me??
It took my husband three hours to assemble! Everything came in tiny pieces. Is very loud when my son gets out of his top bunk. It looks nice but is very noisy.
I was pleasantly pleased with the product. Its a serious piece of furniture. I put it together myself. Took a minute but I did it. It was pretty simple. But anyway I have zero complaints about my bed, zero. Its a space saver and its very comfortable. And of course it arrived on time.
Probably best for a range range between 7 and 12
It should have been about 4 to 5 in a shorter hell probably outgrow it within a few years
Not very stable
Very shaky !!!!!! Nothing for older kids!!
Easy to assemble, looks good though a little squeaky
The assembly was pretty easy. All the components were marked nicely. It took me around 90 mins to assemble. Overall it looks pretty good and seems to be pretty sturdy. But as other reviewers have pointed out, it is a bit squeaky. The weight rating is 200lbs and I want to see how it holds up with with my teenager going up and down and how stable he feels. I am thinking of putting some straps and secure it to the wall.
Great piece of furniture!
We bought two, one for each of our boys. They helped put it together (had a great time building them!) and were so impressed with how great they came out. They set up a gaming station underneath and love their gaming bedroom! They are 13 and 14, around 70 and 100 pounds, 410 and 51. They always talk about how comfortable they are! The only downsides are how much the beds move. We have thought about anchoring them into the wall and that may help provide some additional stability. The ladder rungs are also uncomfortable to climb, especially in bare feet.
Great product
My son loves this bed. If had to do over. Would have paid extra to have it assembled. Took longer than I expected to put together.
Overall, the loft bed is exactly what we needed
Overall, the loft bed is exactly what we needed. Great style and functionality for a small bedroom at an affordable price. The assembly took about 2 1/2 hrs., as on two separate times, we had to reverse assembly on a post to flip the orientationwhich always seems to happen, is it just me??
Hours to assemble!
It took my husband three hours to assemble! Everything came in tiny pieces. Is very loud when my son gets out of his top bunk. It looks nice but is very noisy.
Great value!
Works perfect!
Great for kids!
This took a while to put together. Its a little shaky, but still sturdy. For my sons room, its perfect.
Great, great product!
I was pleasantly pleased with the product. Its a serious piece of furniture. I put it together myself. Took a minute but I did it. It was pretty simple. But anyway I have zero complaints about my bed, zero. Its a space saver and its very comfortable. And of course it arrived on time.
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