All pieces accounted for and undamaged, assembly was easy, perfect size for the room, and my daughter loves it. The loft feature gives us so much more space in the bedroom to play as we put both of her bookshelves and many toys underneath. Her crib and first toddler bed was Delta and we've never been disappointed.
Nice and sturdy bed once put together, even my 160 lbs husband had no issues getting in it and laying down. It has a nice height so my kids don't really need to squat and play under it freely. Best of all it was affordable and could be made to each of our twins liking as one is boy the other a girl.
The product arrived in one large box. Upon opening the box, everything was very well packaged, and labelled for assembly. I would say assembly took about an hour for my 3 year old helper and I. I was a little nervous about how wobbly it seemed during assembly, but once everything is together and tightened down, it is really quite sturdy.
This bed is well packaged, and came in a relatively small box considering how large the final piece is.
ASSEMBLY: Against my better judgment, but in the interest of time, I put this together by myself. It took about 3.5 hours total. The instructions were decent, but there were a couple pieces I had to redo because the diagram wasn't very clear on which way to turn the piece and I was in a hurry so I missed it until I tried to attach the next piece. Placing the slats underneath was a bear. The plastic squares that close up the openings to keep the slats in place were brutal on the fingers. I was afraid to use a hammer because I didn't want to break them, but they were so hard to lock into place I was nearly in tears. I tried starting from different angles and it didn't seem to make much of a difference. Maybe wear gloves for that step?
STURDINESS: This generally feels pretty sturdy. I love how many slats there are to support the mattress, so sagging should not be an issue. It does creak a bit and I'm slightly bummed by that.
SIZE: I'm not sure if the mattress space is tighter than it should be or if the mattress I bought is slightly larger than it should be, but there is ZERO space to comfortably make the bed. The sheets are just kind of crammed into place. That is the most aggravating part of this bed, but again I'm not sure if it's the bed's fault or the mattress.
COMFORT: As others have stated, the ladder rungs are very painful on a bare foot. After a couple weeks I decided to hack around that. (See video in this review) For $2 at Lowe's you can buy a foam pipe cover and cut it to size for each rung, and the bottom frame. I slid those over the rungs and they made a significant improvement in comfort, but felt dangerous because they spun around. So I grabbed double-sided grip tape used to keep area rugs in place, and cut into the appropriate size strips and placed them under the foam on each rung. Problem solved! Now more comfortable and safer.
Easy assembly, daughter loves it.
All pieces accounted for and undamaged, assembly was easy, perfect size for the room, and my daughter loves it. The loft feature gives us so much more space in the bedroom to play as we put both of her bookshelves and many toys underneath. Her crib and first toddler bed was Delta and we've never been disappointed.
My brother likes it
My brother likes it
Solid quality, nice value
Nice and sturdy bed once put together, even my 160 lbs husband had no issues getting in it and laying down. It has a nice height so my kids don't really need to squat and play under it freely. Best of all it was affordable and could be made to each of our twins liking as one is boy the other a girl.
Straight-forward assembly
The product arrived in one large box. Upon opening the box, everything was very well packaged, and labelled for assembly. I would say assembly took about an hour for my 3 year old helper and I. I was a little nervous about how wobbly it seemed during assembly, but once everything is together and tightened down, it is really quite sturdy.
My son loves it! Made well
Super freaking easy to assemble. Parts were arranged in box to come out in order as they were needed. Very easy to put together and sturdy.
Love this!!!
This bed was easy to assemble my 8 year old and her dad did this! It is so sturdy that our 120 pound dog used a table and climes on it to nap!!!
My son loves it! Recommended for ages 4-8
Better than Expected!
Super happy with this loft bed.
Great space saver, affordable, sturdy, looks great
This bed is well packaged, and came in a relatively small box considering how large the final piece is. ASSEMBLY: Against my better judgment, but in the interest of time, I put this together by myself. It took about 3.5 hours total. The instructions were decent, but there were a couple pieces I had to redo because the diagram wasn't very clear on which way to turn the piece and I was in a hurry so I missed it until I tried to attach the next piece. Placing the slats underneath was a bear. The plastic squares that close up the openings to keep the slats in place were brutal on the fingers. I was afraid to use a hammer because I didn't want to break them, but they were so hard to lock into place I was nearly in tears. I tried starting from different angles and it didn't seem to make much of a difference. Maybe wear gloves for that step? STURDINESS: This generally feels pretty sturdy. I love how many slats there are to support the mattress, so sagging should not be an issue. It does creak a bit and I'm slightly bummed by that. SIZE: I'm not sure if the mattress space is tighter than it should be or if the mattress I bought is slightly larger than it should be, but there is ZERO space to comfortably make the bed. The sheets are just kind of crammed into place. That is the most aggravating part of this bed, but again I'm not sure if it's the bed's fault or the mattress. COMFORT: As others have stated, the ladder rungs are very painful on a bare foot. After a couple weeks I decided to hack around that. (See video in this review) For $2 at Lowe's you can buy a foam pipe cover and cut it to size for each rung, and the bottom frame. I slid those over the rungs and they made a significant improvement in comfort, but felt dangerous because they spun around. So I grabbed double-sided grip tape used to keep area rugs in place, and cut into the appropriate size strips and placed them under the foam on each rung. Problem solved! Now more comfortable and safer.
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