Bought bed for my 13 year old daughter about 9 months ago, she loves it! It is very sturdy, but it took us a while to put it together, directions were very easy to follow and everything was labeled. She also has never hit her head on the ceiling!
I am 250lbs and I climb up and down this setup with no issues. I recommend getting a ratchet and a metric set, along with some blue loctite. This product is legit. Ive slept a good many comfortable nights. do it if youre trying to save space without compromising comfort.
This is a very nice quality bed that was relatively easy to put together. Yes, there are a lot of pieces, but the instructions are solid and it took a little more than an hour to fully assemble. No squeaks!!! Our daughter loves it. We really couldnt be happier with this purchase.
After 12+ months
Works better if you have a high ceiling room. The ladder rungs can be hard on your feet. Alternate access is preferable.
You must bolt this unit to the wall! You must periodically tighten all bolts
I find my son makes decent use of the space afforded below the bed.
IMO, especially considering the height, this frame is not quite long enough to stuff in a twin XL.
Set up took about 3 hours in total and that was while watching a couple of movies and drinking a bottle of wine. Very sturdy, doesnt squeak. My tween daughter loves it and it frees up a lot of space in her room.
Was easy to assemble. Nice quality. The design of the railings doesnt make much sense. The person has to climb over the railing because there are no openings next to the ladders. For a child that makes it more dangerous in my opinion. Also the ladders are both on the end which makes placement difficult. I ended up not attaching one side of the railing, purchasing a swing down bed rail that covers 3/4 of the side, and purchasing a ladder to create an entrance on the side.
This bed is AMING!!!!!
Bought bed for my 13 year old daughter about 9 months ago, she loves it! It is very sturdy, but it took us a while to put it together, directions were very easy to follow and everything was labeled. She also has never hit her head on the ceiling!
Sturdy as sh*t
I am 250lbs and I climb up and down this setup with no issues. I recommend getting a ratchet and a metric set, along with some blue loctite. This product is legit. Ive slept a good many comfortable nights. do it if youre trying to save space without compromising comfort.
Fantastic bed!!! We are thrilled.
This is a very nice quality bed that was relatively easy to put together. Yes, there are a lot of pieces, but the instructions are solid and it took a little more than an hour to fully assemble. No squeaks!!! Our daughter loves it. We really couldnt be happier with this purchase.
Beautiful bed, hard to put together
Beautiful bed , hard to put together. So pretty
Sturdy and easy to put together, my daughter loves this bed. As was mentioned by another review, the ladder steps need some padding
Sons loves but missing table bar
Nice but missing parts. So Thats not so nice, otherwise awesome bed
Access and saftey considerations
After 12+ months Works better if you have a high ceiling room. The ladder rungs can be hard on your feet. Alternate access is preferable. You must bolt this unit to the wall! You must periodically tighten all bolts I find my son makes decent use of the space afforded below the bed. IMO, especially considering the height, this frame is not quite long enough to stuff in a twin XL.
Very nice, good quality, I recommend.
This is a great bed, it looks really nice in my daughters room. I highly recommend.
Great for tween/teen
Set up took about 3 hours in total and that was while watching a couple of movies and drinking a bottle of wine. Very sturdy, doesnt squeak. My tween daughter loves it and it frees up a lot of space in her room.
Was easy to assemble
Was easy to assemble. Nice quality. The design of the railings doesnt make much sense. The person has to climb over the railing because there are no openings next to the ladders. For a child that makes it more dangerous in my opinion. Also the ladders are both on the end which makes placement difficult. I ended up not attaching one side of the railing, purchasing a swing down bed rail that covers 3/4 of the side, and purchasing a ladder to create an entrance on the side.
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