Bought this for my daughter to go over a queen size bed. Love it! Took about 1.5 - 2 hours to assemble. Directions are easy to follow and everything is labeled/numbered. It is solid with little to no movement when she in the loft. Ha some screws, washers, etc left over after everything was complete.
My husband was able to put this together by himself in a few hours. My daughter loves it but the round ladder rungs hurt her feet, flat rungs would be more comfortable. A full bed fits perfectly lengthwise underneath, a queen was too long.
Very hard to put together by myself, definitely need two people. i love it. everything is great. it just moves a little when im getting on it and if im moving while laying down. i put my desk under it to do homework since im a full time college student and its great. i have a table everything. its enough space for me to sit up and im 58.
Bought this for my son and its perfect. A great space saver also and I love how it has space for a desk or even another bed below it. Also very sturdy. Do recommend.
A little bit of a pain to out together, but nothing daunting. The ladder rungs fo hurt the feet, so the pool noodle idea is a plus. Had a couple parts that didnt want to fit perfectly and required some fiddling with to get them together. Plenty of space underneath and a decent amount of space above as long as your ceilings are 7 feet or higher
My 10 year old daughter loves it. Because Im slow and dont have a lot of free time, it took me about 2 days to set it up all by myself. I did the bed one day and desk another, altogether it looks awesome and she loves it. Glad I got it.
Solid. Easy assemble. Quality product.
Bought this for my daughter to go over a queen size bed. Love it! Took about 1.5 - 2 hours to assemble. Directions are easy to follow and everything is labeled/numbered. It is solid with little to no movement when she in the loft. Ha some screws, washers, etc left over after everything was complete.
Fairly good value and space saver
A little unsturdy and needs just a bit higher top railing but lots of space under the bed and really helps save space.
Very pleased
So happy we decided to purchase this bed, she loves it!
Great bed for the money.
My husband was able to put this together by himself in a few hours. My daughter loves it but the round ladder rungs hurt her feet, flat rungs would be more comfortable. A full bed fits perfectly lengthwise underneath, a queen was too long.
Put together with two people
Very hard to put together by myself, definitely need two people. i love it. everything is great. it just moves a little when im getting on it and if im moving while laying down. i put my desk under it to do homework since im a full time college student and its great. i have a table everything. its enough space for me to sit up and im 58.
Six yr. old Granddaughter loves it!
Great space saver in a very small room. Very happy.
This bed is awesome
This product is AMING! The instructions were very thorough for easy assembly. The quality is great for the price.
Great value and quality
Bought this for my son and its perfect. A great space saver also and I love how it has space for a desk or even another bed below it. Also very sturdy. Do recommend.
Good product for the price
A little bit of a pain to out together, but nothing daunting. The ladder rungs fo hurt the feet, so the pool noodle idea is a plus. Had a couple parts that didnt want to fit perfectly and required some fiddling with to get them together. Plenty of space underneath and a decent amount of space above as long as your ceilings are 7 feet or higher
My 10 year old daughter loves it
My 10 year old daughter loves it. Because Im slow and dont have a lot of free time, it took me about 2 days to set it up all by myself. I did the bed one day and desk another, altogether it looks awesome and she loves it. Glad I got it.
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