This product was exactly what I wanted for my daughter small bedroom, everything was great except the piece labeled 6 was defective. It was cut too short, so she only has the ladder on one side. Would it be possible for another piece 6 to be shipped?
My son was building a fort in the 2 high clearing under his twin bed. To surprise him with his own reasonably sized fort I purchased this loft bed. This bed is perfect for creating their own little space they can escape to! The box is extremely heavy and definitely took 2 people to carry up the stairs. The instructions also recommend a two person assembly. However, I was able to assemble the bed myself without any problems. The instructions are are easy to follow and everything turned out perfectly!
I bought this for my 11 year old daughter. It was so easy to assemble she practically did it by herself. Everything was in good condition, fit correctly, and the instructions were pretty decent. The result is just as youd expect. Id recommend this easily.
Weve had this bed for about 3 years. I got it to double as a jungle gym during the winter, and it has withstood such abuse of my now 5 and 7 year old well. Weve used it with dofferent sized beds in different configurations underneath.. lots of options. I like the added security of no ladder hole.. both myself at 31 and my son at 2 had no problems entering or exiting. I did brace the bed to the wall for added stability given that my kids use the bottom like monkey bars. I only wish I were short enough to do the same! Its been a while since assembly but I did it on my own in the company of toddlers and dont remember it being terribly difficult. We got the white one, and the openness of the structure comboned with the color help limit the visual weight in a small room. I also love that the ladder is flush with the unit, frewing up more floor space, and is along the end, resulting in a very wide opening underneath. Definitely accomplishes the job of efficiently maximizing a small room.
I really wanted a wooden one but didnt want to pay the price. This works great. Its high in the air which is what I wanted for my daughter, but not too high that she cant sit up in bed or crawl around while in it. Im 54 and have to stand on the couch I put under her bed frame, just to kiss her goodnight. Tall enough she can easily walk below to get into her dresser.
Live in small apartment and got this for my daughter to have more space. Worked great me and the girls put it together before Dad even got home. Very easy just follow the instructions. Have had this awhile and is holding up great.
Perfect for L-shape bunk twin over queen
Easy to assemble, fits over a queen bed
Space!!!! Love it!
More space for my boys! Why didnt we do this sooner! Aming!
Cute efficient bed but one defective piece
This product was exactly what I wanted for my daughter small bedroom, everything was great except the piece labeled 6 was defective. It was cut too short, so she only has the ladder on one side. Would it be possible for another piece 6 to be shipped?
Good bunk bed!
This bunk bed was a pain to put together, but now that Im finished, its very sturdy. My son loves it!
Heavy but easy to assemble!
My son was building a fort in the 2 high clearing under his twin bed. To surprise him with his own reasonably sized fort I purchased this loft bed. This bed is perfect for creating their own little space they can escape to! The box is extremely heavy and definitely took 2 people to carry up the stairs. The instructions also recommend a two person assembly. However, I was able to assemble the bed myself without any problems. The instructions are are easy to follow and everything turned out perfectly!
Very happy with this bed frame
I bought this for my 11 year old daughter. It was so easy to assemble she practically did it by herself. Everything was in good condition, fit correctly, and the instructions were pretty decent. The result is just as youd expect. Id recommend this easily.
Safe and smart design
Weve had this bed for about 3 years. I got it to double as a jungle gym during the winter, and it has withstood such abuse of my now 5 and 7 year old well. Weve used it with dofferent sized beds in different configurations underneath.. lots of options. I like the added security of no ladder hole.. both myself at 31 and my son at 2 had no problems entering or exiting. I did brace the bed to the wall for added stability given that my kids use the bottom like monkey bars. I only wish I were short enough to do the same! Its been a while since assembly but I did it on my own in the company of toddlers and dont remember it being terribly difficult. We got the white one, and the openness of the structure comboned with the color help limit the visual weight in a small room. I also love that the ladder is flush with the unit, frewing up more floor space, and is along the end, resulting in a very wide opening underneath. Definitely accomplishes the job of efficiently maximizing a small room.
Perfect height.
I really wanted a wooden one but didnt want to pay the price. This works great. Its high in the air which is what I wanted for my daughter, but not too high that she cant sit up in bed or crawl around while in it. Im 54 and have to stand on the couch I put under her bed frame, just to kiss her goodnight. Tall enough she can easily walk below to get into her dresser.
Perfect for a small space.
The product was perfect for what it said it was. Fairly easy to set up. Fits a full-size mattress perfectly.
Easy to put together, holding up great.
Live in small apartment and got this for my daughter to have more space. Worked great me and the girls put it together before Dad even got home. Very easy just follow the instructions. Have had this awhile and is holding up great.
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