Yes, it takes time to put together (count on 4 hours+, depending on your skill), but WAY better than the first one I got that was just plywood. Looks nice, and my grandkids are happy campers.
This is a very sturdy bed frame. Many parts to assemble, but that is what saved us money. Solid wood all over the place. A grown man can sit up straight while sitting on the bottom bunk.
We just put this together and it looks awesome. Love it. Very sturdy. It did take us awhile to put this together. Need a least two people to put it together. Perfect color gray and too.
This is solid wood, not pressboard. Sturdy. Customer service was fantastic and overnighted to me a missing piece. Shipment arrives in multiple boxes due to the size but each piece has a label sticker on it making it easier to follow the instructions. This would last two kids into college if they don't outgrow the mattresses. I am extremely happy with the quality of this bunk bed set with step drawers and a trundle. Best when assembled with two people.
Quality piece of furniture.
Yes, it takes time to put together (count on 4 hours+, depending on your skill), but WAY better than the first one I got that was just plywood. Looks nice, and my grandkids are happy campers.
Very happy
Our granddaughters love their new bed!
Exactly what I was looking for
Easy to put together and holds a wild toddler and myself if I happen to fall asleep with my son!
Real wood and very sturdy
Was amazed at the quality of the product. Very pleased with this purchase and so is my daughter!
Good quality
Looks legged
This is a very sturdy bed frame
This is a very sturdy bed frame. Many parts to assemble, but that is what saved us money. Solid wood all over the place. A grown man can sit up straight while sitting on the bottom bunk.
Awesome bunk bed.
We just put this together and it looks awesome. Love it. Very sturdy. It did take us awhile to put this together. Need a least two people to put it together. Perfect color gray and too.
Solid Quality Wood Bunk beds at an affordable price
This is solid wood, not pressboard. Sturdy. Customer service was fantastic and overnighted to me a missing piece. Shipment arrives in multiple boxes due to the size but each piece has a label sticker on it making it easier to follow the instructions. This would last two kids into college if they don't outgrow the mattresses. I am extremely happy with the quality of this bunk bed set with step drawers and a trundle. Best when assembled with two people.
Five Stars
Very sturdy and kids love it. Looks great too!
Before Assemble ..check all parts of bed
Very good quality and my daughters like it to much.
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