Works perfect for our family vacations down to see the grandparents. Very cute, would recommend this bed to sleep extra people in an average size room.
It is just as described; a very good value for the price. Very sturdy, smooth finish, I would buy it again. It does take about 3hrs to put together, but the instructions make sense, and are straightforward. Recommended.
It was pretty simple to put together. Seems pretty sturdy so far. Wish the wood pegs for the bunkbed were . I would have ease of mind. So far so good. Instructions were easy to follow.
Love these bunk beds. Easy to put together as my teenage son and his friend did it with easy. Instructions easy to understand. Very sturdy strong wood. Doesn’t shake. My daughter added led lights on the bottom to be able to read. It’s definitely better than I expected and worth every penny
My nieces love this bed and I love it as well because the pull out bed at the bottom is perfect for when my babies want to sleepover with them! Great Product
Great Bunk Bed
Very straight forward to assemble. You do need two people for certain parts of assembly. Very Sturdy and well constructed.
Works perfect for our family vacations down to see the grandparents. Very cute, would recommend this bed to sleep extra people in an average size room.
Excellent value. Recommended.
It is just as described; a very good value for the price. Very sturdy, smooth finish, I would buy it again. It does take about 3hrs to put together, but the instructions make sense, and are straightforward. Recommended.
Pretty sturdy.
It was pretty simple to put together. Seems pretty sturdy so far. Wish the wood pegs for the bunkbed were . I would have ease of mind. So far so good. Instructions were easy to follow.
Great bed
This thing is great. Very sturdy. It took time to put together, but the instructions were easy to follow. Kids love it.
Easy to assemble and sturdy
Love these bunk beds. Easy to put together as my teenage son and his friend did it with easy. Instructions easy to understand. Very sturdy strong wood. Doesn’t shake. My daughter added led lights on the bottom to be able to read. It’s definitely better than I expected and worth every penny
Highly Recommend!
Highly recommend! Very solid. The stairs are key.
Love it
This set is so nice and very sterdy! Love the color!
Perfect Bed!
My nieces love this bed and I love it as well because the pull out bed at the bottom is perfect for when my babies want to sleepover with them! Great Product
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