This item arrived one day before delivery. I always like sturdy and heavy wood for my furniture. This satisfies my need.
It took 8 hours to assemble for two people of decent size and muscle. Instructions are so far so good. Better than other product instruction. They could have made a better staircase to merge properly with a bunk bed. Will update my review once we start sleeping or using this bed for other customers. Initial experience is great.
Love the bunk bed once put together. The directions were not the clearest and it was an extremely long process to put all of it together. Some of the holes were drilled crooked where the hardware supplied did not work. Had to run down to the hardware store to find some that would.
Bought these for our toddlers and love them! The storage in the stairs is amazing! My only complaint is that I wish the drawers underneath were attached to the bed instead of free-rolling as that makes it more difficult to use. Yes, the beds come in a ton of pieces and take time to assemble, but we knew that would be the case when we ordered furniture on here, so by following the directions it wasn’t an issue for us.
Very nice bunk bed. Took awhile to put together, mainly the baseboards having to screw each individual board on both sides. Turned out very nice though.
For the price this is quite decent. Though very difficult and time consuming to put together. A full half day of work at least and I am in construction as a living. The wood is very soft but it's quite nice looking and decently study.
Everything is very sturdy, solid wood and easy to assemble. The o my thing I would add is that one of the bed sides was chipped other than that I have no problems with it. Very good quality
Love the bunkbeds and not difficult to build.. approximately 5 1/2 hrs . Only complaint I have is the visible screws are a gold color and don't blend in with the wood, otherwise very pleased
Great bunk bed
This item arrived one day before delivery. I always like sturdy and heavy wood for my furniture. This satisfies my need. It took 8 hours to assemble for two people of decent size and muscle. Instructions are so far so good. Better than other product instruction. They could have made a better staircase to merge properly with a bunk bed. Will update my review once we start sleeping or using this bed for other customers. Initial experience is great.
Love the bunk bed once put together
Love the bunk bed once put together. The directions were not the clearest and it was an extremely long process to put all of it together. Some of the holes were drilled crooked where the hardware supplied did not work. Had to run down to the hardware store to find some that would.
Great for the price!
Bought these for our toddlers and love them! The storage in the stairs is amazing! My only complaint is that I wish the drawers underneath were attached to the bed instead of free-rolling as that makes it more difficult to use. Yes, the beds come in a ton of pieces and take time to assemble, but we knew that would be the case when we ordered furniture on here, so by following the directions it wasn’t an issue for us.
Nice bunk bed
Very nice bunk bed. Took awhile to put together, mainly the baseboards having to screw each individual board on both sides. Turned out very nice though.
Awesome bed
Love the color!! Great quality
So far so good! We love it! The trundle came late though we had to call the manufacturer for it to get sent.
Pretty sturdy . Seems really cheaply made but decent when assembled.Other than that good product.
Good product could be better quality.
For the price very decent
For the price this is quite decent. Though very difficult and time consuming to put together. A full half day of work at least and I am in construction as a living. The wood is very soft but it's quite nice looking and decently study.
Very good quality with some minor chips
Everything is very sturdy, solid wood and easy to assemble. The o my thing I would add is that one of the bed sides was chipped other than that I have no problems with it. Very good quality
Great quality
Love the bunkbeds and not difficult to build.. approximately 5 1/2 hrs . Only complaint I have is the visible screws are a gold color and don't blend in with the wood, otherwise very pleased
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