My husband was able to assemble with no hassle. The instructions were easy to follow, the pieces were easy to distinguish and the overall assembly was flawless. Could not be more happy about this piece. I couldn't see myself dishing out 1000's on the same thing in other stores. This to me had everything I was looking for at a much more comfortable price and it's absolutely stunning. Its also very sturdy which was my biggest concern. Would definitely recommend.
It’s amazing piece of furniture. The only reason I gave the 3 star for the value. I believe with it being parkel board it’s not worth as much as what I paid. It need to be better at reading description lol.
Works great for my entry way (I’ve been using it for a bit now). Bench is quite sturdy. I’m 330lbs and it doesn’t even seem to phase it when I sit to put my shoes on. Took maybe thirty minutes to put together, super simple, everything was included (I did end up with extra screws, literally one more than I needed for each bag). The ONLY complaint, is that I wish it was a smidge taller, because my jackets touch the bench when hanging. Not a huge gripe, especially for the price.
I am very pleased with this unit. It is pretty sturdy and all the pieces came in good shape. We didn't assemble the back piece because of unfortunate light switch placement, but I dont really mind that much. I spray painted the hooks black and I think it looks much better.
This is a great piece. Easy to put together and looks great, feels sturdy. Have only had it a few weeks so we will see how it holds up. Delivered ahead of schedule.
This is perfect for shoe storage or baskets w toys out of sight.
The bench is somewhat small but efficient.
It is a great fit in my hallway giving it a cozy look and I’m pleased with my purchase !
Beautiful piece and you can't beat the price.
My husband was able to assemble with no hassle. The instructions were easy to follow, the pieces were easy to distinguish and the overall assembly was flawless. Could not be more happy about this piece. I couldn't see myself dishing out 1000's on the same thing in other stores. This to me had everything I was looking for at a much more comfortable price and it's absolutely stunning. Its also very sturdy which was my biggest concern. Would definitely recommend.
Stylish and sturdy
It is very practical and functional but stylish and sturdy too.
It’s amazing piece of furniture. The only reason I gave the 3 star for the value. I believe with it being parkel board it’s not worth as much as what I paid. It need to be better at reading description lol.
Perfect Size for a Small Entryway
Works great for my entry way (I’ve been using it for a bit now). Bench is quite sturdy. I’m 330lbs and it doesn’t even seem to phase it when I sit to put my shoes on. Took maybe thirty minutes to put together, super simple, everything was included (I did end up with extra screws, literally one more than I needed for each bag). The ONLY complaint, is that I wish it was a smidge taller, because my jackets touch the bench when hanging. Not a huge gripe, especially for the price.
I am very pleased with this unit. It is pretty sturdy and all the pieces came in good shape. We didn't assemble the back piece because of unfortunate light switch placement, but I dont really mind that much. I spray painted the hooks black and I think it looks much better.
Definitely recommend
Perfect in our narrow entry way to provide a nice place to put things but also not look too cramped.
Love it!
This is a great piece. Easy to put together and looks great, feels sturdy. Have only had it a few weeks so we will see how it holds up. Delivered ahead of schedule.
Beautiful and quaint
This is perfect for shoe storage or baskets w toys out of sight. The bench is somewhat small but efficient. It is a great fit in my hallway giving it a cozy look and I’m pleased with my purchase !
One of my favorite purchases
Love this product. It has helped organize my foyer by keeping things in place.
Love it
It was easy to assemble, very sturdy.. fitted in the space I needed it to be.. can’t comy
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