E/Bike is easy to assemble and fold. It rides pretty good but the throttle keeps getting stuck so it keeps moving forward even when youre not touching the throttle which makes it unsafe.
I needed this electric scooter/bike for personal commute on a university campus to get to places, so the overall round trip would be around 6/8 miles. I had no issue at all in battery life/charge which was a plus. The portability of the scooter is great too and I had no trouble at all with folding. I am 6 foot 2, 265 pounds and the scooter/bike had no problem carrying my heavy ass around, even on an incline, but I am sure if I lay low on some candy/like Hersheys then I would feel like I am in an F1 racecar. Here comes the issue (get your popcorn). One day I was riding and suddenly I noticed the back tire is flat. Now you can make jokes and say its due to my heavy stature, but for one week I was riding beautifully. I noticed the tire went flat and that it wasnt a simple fix of putting more air in. As I try to find solutions to solve this, the only options came to send the thing back to across the country and pay for shipping. Or come back to and pray that a replacement would be sent. Luckily, I got a replacement so I will see if the same issues persist. The rear tire is something you cant simply change the tire as all the electronics are attached to it, plus working on it by yourself can void the 1/year warranty that comes with it. This just raises the question about overall craftsmanship and quality of the bike. If this major issue did not happen to me, and it seems like it is fairly common judging by previous reviews, then the Eb5 would be perfect.
This apparently is a known issue, read all the negative reviews including this one:
I almost got into an accident. If this safety hard isnt a dealbreaker for you, make sure you read every review, all issues with riding this are true, unfortunately.
/ If you add a cargo rack to the back, you will knock it off with your feet as your pedal because of how this is designed. I bought a cargo rack to carry my backpack and nothing fits back there. Tried 2 baskets and just the backpack itself. No luck.
/ If you plan on carrying anything on your handlebars like a basket with a backpack, the bike will not be able to stand upright on the kickstand.
The price is too good to be true.
Its fun to ride but some serious downsides:
1) battery lasts one round trip commute for me (3.5 miles each way) and then takes 5 hours to recharge
2) folding is not easy. Especially folding and unfolding the bike in half is giving me a hard enough time that I wont fold it until Im done for the season
3) its heavy. 40lbs is no joke youre not going to be carrying this puppy around anywhere maybe just to lift it into the back seat of a car thats about it
1) in flat road conditions you can bike without the pedal assist no problem you just wont go very fast because the tires are small
2) it doesnt look like a clown bike even though it has a small frame, its kind of a nice sporty look actually, the design gets props
Should be totally happy at this point,at the third day I bought it.Its a great commuter because this bikes ride experience exceeded my expectations the throttle acceleration is powerful,ride quality feels sturdy. But!theres this but.Today I found one of the pedal is broken!Not on the third day!I know this pedal is not a particularly important part on a ebike and the pedal defect shouldnt bother me too much since I dont use pedal much.Nevertheless It did ruined a good buying experience.It makes me doubt the quality of other parts on it.
While Im sure someone who does this for a profession could identify more flaws, I have a hard time seeing any problems with this device as a lay person. Easy to fold easier transport good battery life good velocity. The handful of nits that I have all have to do with it scuffing when you attempt to adjust certain parts of it. Also the power assist comes on to quickly, and theres no way to set the motor to just run, so your hand goes numb holding down the velocity. Over all the, if youre looking to get into the E bike world without spending more than a few hundred, this is easily the best value for the money Ive ever seen for brand new product.
Update: after less than 2 weeks of use, maybe 10 hours, the battery croaked. s personnel were helpful in pointing me to to get a refund, but had no tech support or faq to speak of. Their website me has no troubleshooting section and despite being what Id thought would be a simple problem.
Update 2: Unless its in bold red letters somewhere, you have to handle the battery with kid gloves. One night of leaving the battery charging wit the bike on will apparently kill the bike dead. Not a few days, but 12/16 hours. What a shame. 2 Stars. This seems like something that could easily be fixed. Your car chirps at you if you leave your keys in it. Why not at least a gigantic sticker next to the charging port DO NOT CHARGE WHILE BIKE IS ON. Why cant the charger identify that youre degrading the battery? Apologies to if this is mistaken, but the personnel basically told me that one mistake can turn a brand new bike into a paperweight.
The only reason why this isnt 5 stars is because the rear reflector came without a bolt and it fell off when I took it out of the box. I had to buy one at the hardware store and put it on myself. Other than that tho, this e/bike is so worth the money. Great take off, good mileage range, pretty good battery life, and the best thing about it has to be the look. I got the matte black and everyone turns around to look at the bike and get compliments on it whenever I ride it. The only negative thing I have to say is that the brakes could be better. Im gonna take it to a bike store to get it tuned up and hopefully that solves the issue. If youre looking for a bike for a 1/5 mile daily commute, this is ABSOLUTELY the bike to get. For the price, this is such an aming deal! Highly recommend!
Im glad I didnt take the not so good reviews I read about the bike to heart fooling my mind not to purchase it. . This bike is super fun to ride plus its made in USA. I live in Boston and enjoy zipping through the city GETTING from.point A to B quickly without having to pay for a T card let alone car insurance antI really do love it really and Not just because it was only 500 bucks but because its a quality build. Ive been riding it for a few months shy of a year and I ride ita
Seat hurts my balls
Its a doodoo battery and the seat hurts my balls.
Nice bike but Not Safe / Poor Customer Service
E/Bike is easy to assemble and fold. It rides pretty good but the throttle keeps getting stuck so it keeps moving forward even when youre not touching the throttle which makes it unsafe.
Rear tire went flat in one week
I needed this electric scooter/bike for personal commute on a university campus to get to places, so the overall round trip would be around 6/8 miles. I had no issue at all in battery life/charge which was a plus. The portability of the scooter is great too and I had no trouble at all with folding. I am 6 foot 2, 265 pounds and the scooter/bike had no problem carrying my heavy ass around, even on an incline, but I am sure if I lay low on some candy/like Hersheys then I would feel like I am in an F1 racecar. Here comes the issue (get your popcorn). One day I was riding and suddenly I noticed the back tire is flat. Now you can make jokes and say its due to my heavy stature, but for one week I was riding beautifully. I noticed the tire went flat and that it wasnt a simple fix of putting more air in. As I try to find solutions to solve this, the only options came to send the thing back to across the country and pay for shipping. Or come back to and pray that a replacement would be sent. Luckily, I got a replacement so I will see if the same issues persist. The rear tire is something you cant simply change the tire as all the electronics are attached to it, plus working on it by yourself can void the 1/year warranty that comes with it. This just raises the question about overall craftsmanship and quality of the bike. If this major issue did not happen to me, and it seems like it is fairly common judging by previous reviews, then the Eb5 would be perfect.
Not too shabby
Battery indicator isnt accurate. Other than that I really like this little thing!!
DANGER! Rear tire burst after 2 WEEKS of mild city commuting
This apparently is a known issue, read all the negative reviews including this one: I almost got into an accident. If this safety hard isnt a dealbreaker for you, make sure you read every review, all issues with riding this are true, unfortunately. / If you add a cargo rack to the back, you will knock it off with your feet as your pedal because of how this is designed. I bought a cargo rack to carry my backpack and nothing fits back there. Tried 2 baskets and just the backpack itself. No luck. / If you plan on carrying anything on your handlebars like a basket with a backpack, the bike will not be able to stand upright on the kickstand. The price is too good to be true.
Heavy and not easy to fold/unfold but fun to ride
Its fun to ride but some serious downsides: 1) battery lasts one round trip commute for me (3.5 miles each way) and then takes 5 hours to recharge 2) folding is not easy. Especially folding and unfolding the bike in half is giving me a hard enough time that I wont fold it until Im done for the season 3) its heavy. 40lbs is no joke youre not going to be carrying this puppy around anywhere maybe just to lift it into the back seat of a car thats about it Pros: 1) in flat road conditions you can bike without the pedal assist no problem you just wont go very fast because the tires are small 2) it doesnt look like a clown bike even though it has a small frame, its kind of a nice sporty look actually, the design gets props
Broken pedal on the third day!but Still a great value of money so far.
Should be totally happy at this point,at the third day I bought it.Its a great commuter because this bikes ride experience exceeded my expectations the throttle acceleration is powerful,ride quality feels sturdy. But!theres this but.Today I found one of the pedal is broken!Not on the third day!I know this pedal is not a particularly important part on a ebike and the pedal defect shouldnt bother me too much since I dont use pedal much.Nevertheless It did ruined a good buying experience.It makes me doubt the quality of other parts on it.
Functionally perfect, if it works
While Im sure someone who does this for a profession could identify more flaws, I have a hard time seeing any problems with this device as a lay person. Easy to fold easier transport good battery life good velocity. The handful of nits that I have all have to do with it scuffing when you attempt to adjust certain parts of it. Also the power assist comes on to quickly, and theres no way to set the motor to just run, so your hand goes numb holding down the velocity. Over all the, if youre looking to get into the E bike world without spending more than a few hundred, this is easily the best value for the money Ive ever seen for brand new product. Update: after less than 2 weeks of use, maybe 10 hours, the battery croaked. s personnel were helpful in pointing me to to get a refund, but had no tech support or faq to speak of. Their website me has no troubleshooting section and despite being what Id thought would be a simple problem. Update 2: Unless its in bold red letters somewhere, you have to handle the battery with kid gloves. One night of leaving the battery charging wit the bike on will apparently kill the bike dead. Not a few days, but 12/16 hours. What a shame. 2 Stars. This seems like something that could easily be fixed. Your car chirps at you if you leave your keys in it. Why not at least a gigantic sticker next to the charging port DO NOT CHARGE WHILE BIKE IS ON. Why cant the charger identify that youre degrading the battery? Apologies to if this is mistaken, but the personnel basically told me that one mistake can turn a brand new bike into a paperweight.
So worth the money
The only reason why this isnt 5 stars is because the rear reflector came without a bolt and it fell off when I took it out of the box. I had to buy one at the hardware store and put it on myself. Other than that tho, this e/bike is so worth the money. Great take off, good mileage range, pretty good battery life, and the best thing about it has to be the look. I got the matte black and everyone turns around to look at the bike and get compliments on it whenever I ride it. The only negative thing I have to say is that the brakes could be better. Im gonna take it to a bike store to get it tuned up and hopefully that solves the issue. If youre looking for a bike for a 1/5 mile daily commute, this is ABSOLUTELY the bike to get. For the price, this is such an aming deal! Highly recommend!
Great bike after almost one year howev
Im glad I didnt take the not so good reviews I read about the bike to heart fooling my mind not to purchase it. . This bike is super fun to ride plus its made in USA. I live in Boston and enjoy zipping through the city GETTING from.point A to B quickly without having to pay for a T card let alone car insurance antI really do love it really and Not just because it was only 500 bucks but because its a quality build. Ive been riding it for a few months shy of a year and I ride ita
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