Mine arrived with two damaged and two missing pieces. I expected the replacement to be a hassle, but to my surprise he required a few pictures of the damaged items and proof of purchase. The next day parts were shipped out to me and I received them very quickly.
I am not sure how long term this will hold up yet, but the bed does appear to be quite sturdy.
The bed seems sturdy for a bunk bed. The kids are super excited to have a sleepover in the same room. The quality overall is pretty good. Some minor damage from delivery (minor scrapes and the headboard slates edges got damaged but are hidden if placed correctly in the headboard). The assembly instructions are pretty good. Took less than 3 hours for two people to build. Strongly recommend at least two people build it, some steps require three to make alignment easier.
We added 4 more slats because our memory foam mattress said it needed them but this bed is so pretty perfect and I sleep on it some nights when my tod doesnt easily fall asleep. No concerns with it breaking (after the 4 extra slats). Super sturdy
This is overall a very good bed. It looks good, and is sturdy once some additional wood was added to support the mattress. The bed slats provided are spaces out way too far. I spent another 20 on six additional 5 inch wide boards to fill the comically large gaps between the slats which was causing sagging. Buy, but be prepared to go to Home Depot for additional wood.
The bed was pretty easy to assemble. I was a bit worried when my husband unboxed the pieces but the slats on the headboard slides into place and does not require screws to hold in so that was a breeze. I was pleasantly surprised by how easy it really was to put all the pieces together. I think it took us 45 minutes. My husband even said Wow, they really dummy proofed the assembly process. The bed arrived intact and looks beautiful once set up. My only complaint is that the bed creak when an adult sit or lay on it. I bought this for my 2 yr 7 month old so it wont be an issue. We have a thin memory foam mattress for now until the new mattress arrives. I can definitely feel all of the slats under the matress when I sit on the bed. Definitely need a thicker mattress or a flat board on top of the slats. Honestly, the bed is beautiful and more solid than I expected for the price. Its even cheaper than IKEA but looks more sophisticated.
This is a nice trundle. I bought this with the intentions of it being used for a child and it works perfectly for that purpose. The wheels are small, but it rolls nicely. I have it on carpet, and when I pull it out it rolls over the edge of a rug without any problems. It was a one person job and easy to assemble.
I did have 2 problems that could have been prevented. The first was that the ladder on the bed ran into the trundle. I ended up sawing off the bottom step to get the trundle to fit.
The other problem is that I had ordered a 9 inch tall foam mattress, which was too tall to roll under the bed.
Beautiful Bedframe for the money.
Easy to set up, sturdy and very attractive, simple design. Very happy with my purchase.
Excellent Customer Service, But Not Perfect Set
Mine arrived with two damaged and two missing pieces. I expected the replacement to be a hassle, but to my surprise he required a few pictures of the damaged items and proof of purchase. The next day parts were shipped out to me and I received them very quickly. I am not sure how long term this will hold up yet, but the bed does appear to be quite sturdy.
Assembly requires two people
The bed seems sturdy for a bunk bed. The kids are super excited to have a sleepover in the same room. The quality overall is pretty good. Some minor damage from delivery (minor scrapes and the headboard slates edges got damaged but are hidden if placed correctly in the headboard). The assembly instructions are pretty good. Took less than 3 hours for two people to build. Strongly recommend at least two people build it, some steps require three to make alignment easier.
Sturdy and perfect
We added 4 more slats because our memory foam mattress said it needed them but this bed is so pretty perfect and I sleep on it some nights when my tod doesnt easily fall asleep. No concerns with it breaking (after the 4 extra slats). Super sturdy
Good bed, but had to buy extra wood for slats
This is overall a very good bed. It looks good, and is sturdy once some additional wood was added to support the mattress. The bed slats provided are spaces out way too far. I spent another 20 on six additional 5 inch wide boards to fill the comically large gaps between the slats which was causing sagging. Buy, but be prepared to go to Home Depot for additional wood.
Bigger than expected
Great bed very satisfied. will update in a few months
Pretty good for the price
The bed was pretty easy to assemble. I was a bit worried when my husband unboxed the pieces but the slats on the headboard slides into place and does not require screws to hold in so that was a breeze. I was pleasantly surprised by how easy it really was to put all the pieces together. I think it took us 45 minutes. My husband even said Wow, they really dummy proofed the assembly process. The bed arrived intact and looks beautiful once set up. My only complaint is that the bed creak when an adult sit or lay on it. I bought this for my 2 yr 7 month old so it wont be an issue. We have a thin memory foam mattress for now until the new mattress arrives. I can definitely feel all of the slats under the matress when I sit on the bed. Definitely need a thicker mattress or a flat board on top of the slats. Honestly, the bed is beautiful and more solid than I expected for the price. Its even cheaper than IKEA but looks more sophisticated.
Great Bunk Beds!
My daughters love the beds! The instructions were great. Oh complain wish the screws were labeled so I didnt have to figure which was which!
Nice Budget Friendly
This is a nice trundle. I bought this with the intentions of it being used for a child and it works perfectly for that purpose. The wheels are small, but it rolls nicely. I have it on carpet, and when I pull it out it rolls over the edge of a rug without any problems. It was a one person job and easy to assemble. I did have 2 problems that could have been prevented. The first was that the ladder on the bed ran into the trundle. I ended up sawing off the bottom step to get the trundle to fit. The other problem is that I had ordered a 9 inch tall foam mattress, which was too tall to roll under the bed.
Sturdy. Pretty
Sturdy bunk bed. Looks great at the kids room
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