I needed something that was small enough to fit a space but would hold my 2 computer screens and I could do other things on it as well. It works great and it is sturdy and well made. I have previously had a foot rest under my desk but this table has a stretcher that I use. I prefer the foot rest but it is working.
This one is tough because the price is fair. It was easy to assemble and looks nice. The low review is because its just not as sturdy as I need it to be. Have had to tighten and retighten the screws, doesnt seem to stay tight. However the bigger issue for me is with the flaps and support. The wooden bar support underneath moves overtime and before you know it is barely supporting the flap. I have to keep pulling out the supports and checking them. With kids leaning on the table, and elderly parents coming over needing the support of the table too/ its just not safe enough in our kitchen. Ive used it with both sides down as a sort of side table, and would be ok for card table. But if you ask me for a family table I say keep looking.
Easy to assemble with the exception of the legs. There is limited space in the pedestal and the small wrench will be tedious to tighten properly. We have a small ratchet tool which made it easy to tighten the nuts. To secure the packaging they used nylon straps which were stapled to the underside of the top. You need a good pliers to pull the staples. It looks great, seems very sturdy and we are looking forward to using the table.
The table is heavy so dont be fooled by its size. Easy to assemble, Perfect for small spaces. The flaw in my table is the slide bracket to put table up or down. I will have to find a solution to make it sturdier. Not a deal breaker because the price was affordable and the table is attractive. Would recommend based on budget, size and appearance.
This product is not black its /ish black. It doesnt match all my furniture so i am quite disappointed. I only noticed it in the morning sincd i assembled it at night and now i am stuck. Its a bit wobbly, but otherwise fine for the price.
The color is a beautiful blend of taupe and light gray; turned out great in our grey sunroom with taupe colored floor tile! The s are a great too because it can save space if needed!
Not rock solid compared to a good fixed table, but plenty sturdy enough to serve a meal without spilling your soup and beverages. Even if it were less sturdy, unlikely to be kicked since it seats 4 comfortably. Could probably seat a couple more in a pinch. As attractive as the pictures. Assembled easily without bothering with the instructions. Folds easily, un takes some practice. In summary, I am pleased with the product. On the minus side, packed with Styrofoam that crumbled easily. Box was full of crumbs that got all over the carpet and, ultimately, a cats fur, during unboxing and assembly. It seems unlikely it couldnt be packed in a way that is effective, economical, more environmentally friendly and less of a nuisance.
Well made table that makes a great desk.
I needed something that was small enough to fit a space but would hold my 2 computer screens and I could do other things on it as well. It works great and it is sturdy and well made. I have previously had a foot rest under my desk but this table has a stretcher that I use. I prefer the foot rest but it is working.
Not very sturdy
This one is tough because the price is fair. It was easy to assemble and looks nice. The low review is because its just not as sturdy as I need it to be. Have had to tighten and retighten the screws, doesnt seem to stay tight. However the bigger issue for me is with the flaps and support. The wooden bar support underneath moves overtime and before you know it is barely supporting the flap. I have to keep pulling out the supports and checking them. With kids leaning on the table, and elderly parents coming over needing the support of the table too/ its just not safe enough in our kitchen. Ive used it with both sides down as a sort of side table, and would be ok for card table. But if you ask me for a family table I say keep looking.
Great on Day 1.
Easy to assemble with the exception of the legs. There is limited space in the pedestal and the small wrench will be tedious to tighten properly. We have a small ratchet tool which made it easy to tighten the nuts. To secure the packaging they used nylon straps which were stapled to the underside of the top. You need a good pliers to pull the staples. It looks great, seems very sturdy and we are looking forward to using the table.
Fits in small spaces
The table is heavy so dont be fooled by its size. Easy to assemble, Perfect for small spaces. The flaw in my table is the slide bracket to put table up or down. I will have to find a solution to make it sturdier. Not a deal breaker because the price was affordable and the table is attractive. Would recommend based on budget, size and appearance.
Easy to assemble.
Liked instructions, my husband and I assembled this without a fight. Aming!
Not black
This product is not black its /ish black. It doesnt match all my furniture so i am quite disappointed. I only noticed it in the morning sincd i assembled it at night and now i am stuck. Its a bit wobbly, but otherwise fine for the price.
good sturdy table
fits where I needed it to and easy to assemble
Simply Beautiful
The color is a beautiful blend of taupe and light gray; turned out great in our grey sunroom with taupe colored floor tile! The s are a great too because it can save space if needed!
Sturdy Enough
Not rock solid compared to a good fixed table, but plenty sturdy enough to serve a meal without spilling your soup and beverages. Even if it were less sturdy, unlikely to be kicked since it seats 4 comfortably. Could probably seat a couple more in a pinch. As attractive as the pictures. Assembled easily without bothering with the instructions. Folds easily, un takes some practice. In summary, I am pleased with the product. On the minus side, packed with Styrofoam that crumbled easily. Box was full of crumbs that got all over the carpet and, ultimately, a cats fur, during unboxing and assembly. It seems unlikely it couldnt be packed in a way that is effective, economical, more environmentally friendly and less of a nuisance.
Great price for a beautiful table
I love this table. Its so sturdy and pretty. Very nice wood and was very easy too put together. Love the greenish grey base.
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