Easy to assemble. A bit shorter than we thought but perfect for our little one to sleep on the bottom. The ladder hinge broke kind of quickly, BUT the company quickly sent me replacement hardware no questions asked. Outstanding customer service.
Ive waited a few months after writing a review. This set it absolutely worth the money! My kids love their bed and LOVE their slide. Both my husband and I went down it ourselves. The assembly wasnt terrible. We are completely satisfied with this bunk bed!
Great value and very sturdy. Also the color is amazing and it looks beautiful. It was pretty challenging to put together and I had to undo mistakes three times, as the instructions arent super easy to understand. However I am very happy with the final product and the size is perfect, nice and low so it fits well in a low-ceiling room. The lower bunk being on the floor is perfect, as my son can roll out and its not a concern he will hurt himself. And the top bunk openings are very easy to block with a pillow or stuffed animal so kids dont fall out.
I usually dont write reviews, but as someone who reads them and relies on other peoples word, I decided to give a review on this bed. I bought it for my 4 and 2 year olds. It is perfect. The instructions and labeling of products were very clear. I put it together by myself (at 28 weeks pregnant) and got it up within a few hours. And that was taking multiple breaks to help my kids do things, or fix lunch for them. Im sure it could be put up much faster with two people. Most of it was easy to assemble. The only part I struggled with was screwing the slats that hold the mattress, but I am only 51 and it was a little tough to get enough leverage for the top bunk. The bottom bunk was no problem. When the person on the top bunk moves around, I cant feel it in the bottom bunk. My children are in love with their big kid bed and I highly recommend it. Worth every penny.
This exceeded my expectations! We have a 5 year old who sleeps in the top bunk and our 2 year old in the lower bunk and they both love it! Not enough good things to say. Get it!
Its a great bed for young kids with two exceptions. It is still emitting a smell a month and a half after assembly and the rail on the top bunk is not sturdy. I would probably have looked for a different product had I known how strong the smell was.
Outstanding customer service.
Easy to assemble. A bit shorter than we thought but perfect for our little one to sleep on the bottom. The ladder hinge broke kind of quickly, BUT the company quickly sent me replacement hardware no questions asked. Outstanding customer service.
Not bad at all.
Take your time assembling
This was the perfect height for my 3 year old granddaughter. And the 1 year old likes climbing on the bed thats low to the floor.
Absolutely worth it!
Ive waited a few months after writing a review. This set it absolutely worth the money! My kids love their bed and LOVE their slide. Both my husband and I went down it ourselves. The assembly wasnt terrible. We are completely satisfied with this bunk bed!
Would buy again
Definitely one of the nicest pieces Ive put together for this type of furniture.
Wonderful, sturdy, compact bunk bed in a beautiful (gray) color
Great value and very sturdy. Also the color is amazing and it looks beautiful. It was pretty challenging to put together and I had to undo mistakes three times, as the instructions arent super easy to understand. However I am very happy with the final product and the size is perfect, nice and low so it fits well in a low-ceiling room. The lower bunk being on the floor is perfect, as my son can roll out and its not a concern he will hurt himself. And the top bunk openings are very easy to block with a pillow or stuffed animal so kids dont fall out.
Pretty sturdy has held up so far I like the quality thanks
Amazing bed for small kiddos
I usually dont write reviews, but as someone who reads them and relies on other peoples word, I decided to give a review on this bed. I bought it for my 4 and 2 year olds. It is perfect. The instructions and labeling of products were very clear. I put it together by myself (at 28 weeks pregnant) and got it up within a few hours. And that was taking multiple breaks to help my kids do things, or fix lunch for them. Im sure it could be put up much faster with two people. Most of it was easy to assemble. The only part I struggled with was screwing the slats that hold the mattress, but I am only 51 and it was a little tough to get enough leverage for the top bunk. The bottom bunk was no problem. When the person on the top bunk moves around, I cant feel it in the bottom bunk. My children are in love with their big kid bed and I highly recommend it. Worth every penny.
This exceeded my expectations! We have a 5 year old who sleeps in the top bunk and our 2 year old in the lower bunk and they both love it! Not enough good things to say. Get it!
A month and a half later, still emitting a smell.
Its a great bed for young kids with two exceptions. It is still emitting a smell a month and a half after assembly and the rail on the top bunk is not sturdy. I would probably have looked for a different product had I known how strong the smell was.
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