Assembly was easy enough. Looked cool but the seat is super small and my husband cant fit in it. Hes 58-59 and close to 300lb but the seat is even uncomfortable for me and Im 54 and 190. The back lumbar support pillow could be bigger and the top neck one small because it seem to push my head down. Having trouble getting the return placed so were basically stuck with a chair we cant fit in now.
In regards to people complaining about the arms breaking, leave the screws quite loose until it's all put together and then tighten down each a little at a time and go in stages hitting each one to make it even. The bottom seat and the back have different widths which torques the plastic of the arm pieces if you tighten to much at the start. The arms are cheap plastic and they definitely look easy to break.
I've had the chair for 2 weeks and the seat padding is all but gone. It's getting real close to feeling like I'm sitting on plywood with some cloth. I hoped the seat would last more than a few months before I might have to make modifications but that doesn't appear to be the case what so ever. You get what you pay for and this was definitely the cheapest chair I could find of this type at this time.
I've also started getting a lot of annoying squeaking already. It might be that I have to spray lubricant every 2 weeks.
It's fairly comfortable to me but I could see how it would be pretty uncomfortable for some folks. If the foam padding would hold up it would be a decent chair for the price. I needed a chair for about 6 months before I move and would just sell it.
I would never purchase this again but I didn't want to spend much money for my situation.
I bought this thinking it's a recliner because of the way it looks. It does not recline and the product doesn't allow returns. It is my fault for not reading the description properly. Take this as a heads ups if you're expecting this to recline.
Great for any office
Comfortable slake design works for any room with a desk
Quality comfort
Bought because of price point. Perfect, comfy and very nice with the small massager you can adjust on your back while using the chair.
Not the Biggest Chair Seat Wise
Assembly was easy enough. Looked cool but the seat is super small and my husband cant fit in it. Hes 58-59 and close to 300lb but the seat is even uncomfortable for me and Im 54 and 190. The back lumbar support pillow could be bigger and the top neck one small because it seem to push my head down. Having trouble getting the return placed so were basically stuck with a chair we cant fit in now.
Crappy padding
In regards to people complaining about the arms breaking, leave the screws quite loose until it's all put together and then tighten down each a little at a time and go in stages hitting each one to make it even. The bottom seat and the back have different widths which torques the plastic of the arm pieces if you tighten to much at the start. The arms are cheap plastic and they definitely look easy to break. I've had the chair for 2 weeks and the seat padding is all but gone. It's getting real close to feeling like I'm sitting on plywood with some cloth. I hoped the seat would last more than a few months before I might have to make modifications but that doesn't appear to be the case what so ever. You get what you pay for and this was definitely the cheapest chair I could find of this type at this time. I've also started getting a lot of annoying squeaking already. It might be that I have to spray lubricant every 2 weeks. It's fairly comfortable to me but I could see how it would be pretty uncomfortable for some folks. If the foam padding would hold up it would be a decent chair for the price. I needed a chair for about 6 months before I move and would just sell it. I would never purchase this again but I didn't want to spend much money for my situation.
Great chair!!!! Would definitely buy again
It's very comfortable for long periods of time for remote work Great buy. Awesome price. Easy to assemble.
It squeaks
You get what you pay. It works but not the best
Warning: Not a Recliner!
I bought this thinking it's a recliner because of the way it looks. It does not recline and the product doesn't allow returns. It is my fault for not reading the description properly. Take this as a heads ups if you're expecting this to recline.
Very Nice chair and easy assemble.
Love the extra cushioning!
Very comfortable. It is worth the money
I do diamond art and this chair is great for me to sit in a long period of time.
I use it more than my aon
I brought it for my son's gaming desk but I use it for work. Very comfortable
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