I got this for my 5 and 6 year old. Very easy assembly, I did it all by myself but it did take some time. Feels very sturdy and had it about 2 weeks now and I am satisfied so far.
My only advice is pay attention to the side rails for both the top and bottom bunk. It does matter where they go based off where you want the ladder. I thought they were all the same, but the holes need to line up for BOTH the top and bottom bunk. Luckily I caught it before I got to far along.
We really like it. My 9-year old was given this by her grandparents. We were concerned with 8 ceilings we would not be able to make it work with her height. It has plenty of room between the two bunk beds. There is enough room for a tall 9 year old to sit and play in the top bunk bed. We looked at s other twin bunk bed, but were glad we chose the twin over full bunk bed. Our only complaint is that the bottom middle rail is really weak. It should be as strong as the outside bottom rails. Id also recommend another set of the grey plastic stability binders for the bunk beds. Easy to put together. My 9-year old did most of the work.
My daughter loves this bed, and it provides a sweet chill area below. Im glad my boyfriend put it together for me, it seemed..... to take a long time. Itll be interesting when we move haha, but its a cool bed. Putting a pillow top mattress on it doesnt leave much room for the bars. My daughter is freaked out shell roll off, but seems used to it now.
Aming quality, very well made, clearly safety was a primary priority. My husband who is an engineer just finished putting this bed together and said I have to post a review, this product is so well made.
I really wanted to love this. Im in a very small 2nd bedroom and had very fond memories of my loft bed in college. However, it turns out what they say is true, and you cant go back again.
The positives: Went together fast (though, I paid Home Services to assemble it for me, because... ly. But it only took the two young guys who showed up to do it about an hour and a half. Its fairly sturdy, though it does sway a little when you climb the ladder. This was super alarming to me on day one, but by day four Im basically used to it. Im sure if it were secured to the wall it wouldnt move at all. The ladder was painful on the feet at first but you figure that out after a day or two as well. Doesnt shift at all while Im in it. Lots of room underneath, and you can choose to leave the side guard rails off.
The significant downside: I discovered that there is not enough mattress support; Ive been waking up every day with a sore back. As a temporary measure, I grabbed the bed slats from my old bed to stick on top of the platform and... no go. While the platform from outer edge to outer edge is the standard Full sizing of 53 x 75, theres a slight lip, meant to hold the mattress in, I assume -- meaning you only have 52, unless you want your bed slats sitting precariously on top of the recessed platform instead of held in by the edging. Oh, wait, you cant even do that, because the screws to keep the ladder on are right along the edge as well, making your usable platform dimensions 52 x 74. It is beyond frustrating, because of course every bunkie board I look at is 53 x 75 - because thats Full sizing! I dont know what Im going to do, at this point.
Just got this today and set it up. Wasnt missing any parts or pieces. The box was damaged but I assume it was the delivery guy. Other than that nothing was damaged. My son absolutely loves it and it fits perfectly for the room! ??
If you put it together well, it works. Its not the most solid thing but its exactly what we expected. My 10-year-old son likes it. While Im sure it would adequately support my additional 175 lbs, Im not likely to be joining him up there (nor is anyone else.
Very easy assembly, I did it all by myself but ...
I got this for my 5 and 6 year old. Very easy assembly, I did it all by myself but it did take some time. Feels very sturdy and had it about 2 weeks now and I am satisfied so far. My only advice is pay attention to the side rails for both the top and bottom bunk. It does matter where they go based off where you want the ladder. I thought they were all the same, but the holes need to line up for BOTH the top and bottom bunk. Luckily I caught it before I got to far along.
Plenty of room for a tall 9-year old
We really like it. My 9-year old was given this by her grandparents. We were concerned with 8 ceilings we would not be able to make it work with her height. It has plenty of room between the two bunk beds. There is enough room for a tall 9 year old to sit and play in the top bunk bed. We looked at s other twin bunk bed, but were glad we chose the twin over full bunk bed. Our only complaint is that the bottom middle rail is really weak. It should be as strong as the outside bottom rails. Id also recommend another set of the grey plastic stability binders for the bunk beds. Easy to put together. My 9-year old did most of the work.
and it provides a sweet chill area below
My daughter loves this bed, and it provides a sweet chill area below. Im glad my boyfriend put it together for me, it seemed..... to take a long time. Itll be interesting when we move haha, but its a cool bed. Putting a pillow top mattress on it doesnt leave much room for the bars. My daughter is freaked out shell roll off, but seems used to it now.
Built to last
Instructions were well laid out. Very solid construction.
Very high quality - drained with highest safety standards in mind
Aming quality, very well made, clearly safety was a primary priority. My husband who is an engineer just finished putting this bed together and said I have to post a review, this product is so well made.
Not quite Standard Full sized.
I really wanted to love this. Im in a very small 2nd bedroom and had very fond memories of my loft bed in college. However, it turns out what they say is true, and you cant go back again. The positives: Went together fast (though, I paid Home Services to assemble it for me, because... ly. But it only took the two young guys who showed up to do it about an hour and a half. Its fairly sturdy, though it does sway a little when you climb the ladder. This was super alarming to me on day one, but by day four Im basically used to it. Im sure if it were secured to the wall it wouldnt move at all. The ladder was painful on the feet at first but you figure that out after a day or two as well. Doesnt shift at all while Im in it. Lots of room underneath, and you can choose to leave the side guard rails off. The significant downside: I discovered that there is not enough mattress support; Ive been waking up every day with a sore back. As a temporary measure, I grabbed the bed slats from my old bed to stick on top of the platform and... no go. While the platform from outer edge to outer edge is the standard Full sizing of 53 x 75, theres a slight lip, meant to hold the mattress in, I assume -- meaning you only have 52, unless you want your bed slats sitting precariously on top of the recessed platform instead of held in by the edging. Oh, wait, you cant even do that, because the screws to keep the ladder on are right along the edge as well, making your usable platform dimensions 52 x 74. It is beyond frustrating, because of course every bunkie board I look at is 53 x 75 - because thats Full sizing! I dont know what Im going to do, at this point.
Great product!!
Just got this today and set it up. Wasnt missing any parts or pieces. The box was damaged but I assume it was the delivery guy. Other than that nothing was damaged. My son absolutely loves it and it fits perfectly for the room! ??
Missing part
Railing missing
Visually linear and great for small space
As expected. Visually linear and great for small space. Not built for adults... definitely a young teen or youngers bed.
If you put it together well, it works. ...
If you put it together well, it works. Its not the most solid thing but its exactly what we expected. My 10-year-old son likes it. While Im sure it would adequately support my additional 175 lbs, Im not likely to be joining him up there (nor is anyone else.
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