My 8 year old loves it. Pretty sturdy. The ladder is uncomfortable to climb but my son does not seem to care. I wish there was an opening in the top guard rail by the ladder to make it easier to get on/off the ladder to the bed instead of climbing over the guard rail. It was a good value overall though.
Has held up 5 months so far and is still sturdy. My 6-year-old loves it. Was missing one pack of hardware when it came, called the number and they sent out a replacement within a few days. Assembly took about an hour by myself, but I was going slow as to not make mistakes. Instructions were good.
Very sturdy for the price. I didnt have the funds to buy a wooden bunk bed set so I purchased this to go over top of my daughters full size bed. Shes super happy with it and likes to sleep up there when she has friends spend the night. Purchased with a memory foam mattress and it comfortable. Fixed the ladder issue with a pool noodle.
Im taking in young adult roommates this year, so I was looking for affordable bunkbeds that can hold up and found this one. The packaging was very heavy, and yes there is a zillion pieces. most of the pieces are the metal bars that hold the mattress, and everything is wrapped in plastic so have a trashcan ready. It was easy to put together bymyself and took me about 1 1/2 Hours for the first one and 1 hour for the second. I would reccomend taking your time putting it together so everything is tight. So far id give 8 out of 10 for common sturdyness it sways a littlebit but I wouldnt get upset about it. It also gives a ton of head room for the bottom bunk which is nice to sit and not worry about slaming your head. Im gonna buy some foam for the supports to protect the wall, and prob for the ladder.
My husband can put almost all thre cry stuff I buy together no problem and this for him a little frustrated. Just set aside the time and take your time. Weve been using it for over three months and love it. Its being used by our four year old, but is safe enough for our two year old to climb around on as long as hes supervised. Its tall enough for our younger son to sleep under and have a fun reading fort too, but not high enough for me to be worried all the time of them falling off. The shelves are useful and about 12of space each. Weve had house guests come and stay in their room (its an organic very comfortable mattress, and had no complaints on the frame or its sturdiness. Would recommend.
Christmas present for my 9 year old daughter.
I also have the Top selling twin-over-full bunk bed from another manufacturer. Its well built.
But this minty fresh loft bed is built like a battleship. Rock solid, doesnt sway or squeak.
Fit and finish is superb. Paint is great.
Easy to put together.
Our ceiling is only 76. This is the lowest loft bed with practical space underneath.
We didnt pay more for the workstation attachment. You dont have to either. You can
fit your own desk underneath.
We added a white board to the long side. It covers the whole top half. Do this. It not only makes it
extra fun, the white reflects diffused light to make the space brighter.
We also added white led christmas lights as the main light source. These lights have 12 different settings,
including bright steady for studying, and dim steady as a night light . You want a night light
so your little girl (and based on the other reviews you are probably buying it for a little girl can easily go
up and down in the middle of the night.
The ladders are wider and the square shape doesnt hurt bare toes like the round ladder in our bunk bed.
My daughter loves this. The look on her face when she saw it for the first time was, well, it was... aming.
She loves to show it to her friends. I think shes made some new ones just so they can come over and play
under, on, and around it.
There are alot of pieces to put together but it is totally worth it!
I bought another set for another my daughters room at Wal-Mart before buying this one for my boys. The girls are jealous and i do not blame them!!!
THE BOX IT COMES IN IS RIDICULOUSLY HEAVY. Whoever the j-e-r-k is that delivered it left it at the bottom of the stairs to my apartment... However, I performed open box surgery at the bottom of the stairs and carried the pieces up to my apartment with the help of my almost 5 year old son. The kiddo absolutely loves his new bed. I put it together by myself, but its probably way easier if you have help. Came with no missing pieces. Most of the parts were labeled with little number stickers, but there were a couple long pieces I had to guess on. Its incredible how much more useable space a loft bed really gives you! The ladder rungs are pretty uncomfortable to step on, i climbed up to the top with my son once and i dont think i want to do it again unless im wearing shoes haha... Thats the only reason I took a star away, other than the ladder rungs its a 5 star product.
Great value. Some small improvements in design would make it a 5 star
My 8 year old loves it. Pretty sturdy. The ladder is uncomfortable to climb but my son does not seem to care. I wish there was an opening in the top guard rail by the ladder to make it easier to get on/off the ladder to the bed instead of climbing over the guard rail. It was a good value overall though.
... held up 5 months so far and is still sturdy. My 6-year-old loves it
Has held up 5 months so far and is still sturdy. My 6-year-old loves it. Was missing one pack of hardware when it came, called the number and they sent out a replacement within a few days. Assembly took about an hour by myself, but I was going slow as to not make mistakes. Instructions were good.
Great frame.
Great frame.. only took a few hours to assemble.. my 10 year old loves his new bed and all the extra space it created
Fix the ladder w/ a pool noodle:
Very sturdy for the price. I didnt have the funds to buy a wooden bunk bed set so I purchased this to go over top of my daughters full size bed. Shes super happy with it and likes to sleep up there when she has friends spend the night. Purchased with a memory foam mattress and it comfortable. Fixed the ladder issue with a pool noodle.
Well see if it last! Good Value
Im taking in young adult roommates this year, so I was looking for affordable bunkbeds that can hold up and found this one. The packaging was very heavy, and yes there is a zillion pieces. most of the pieces are the metal bars that hold the mattress, and everything is wrapped in plastic so have a trashcan ready. It was easy to put together bymyself and took me about 1 1/2 Hours for the first one and 1 hour for the second. I would reccomend taking your time putting it together so everything is tight. So far id give 8 out of 10 for common sturdyness it sways a littlebit but I wouldnt get upset about it. It also gives a ton of head room for the bottom bunk which is nice to sit and not worry about slaming your head. Im gonna buy some foam for the supports to protect the wall, and prob for the ladder.
Weve been using it for over three months and love it. Its being used by our four year ...
My husband can put almost all thre cry stuff I buy together no problem and this for him a little frustrated. Just set aside the time and take your time. Weve been using it for over three months and love it. Its being used by our four year old, but is safe enough for our two year old to climb around on as long as hes supervised. Its tall enough for our younger son to sleep under and have a fun reading fort too, but not high enough for me to be worried all the time of them falling off. The shelves are useful and about 12of space each. Weve had house guests come and stay in their room (its an organic very comfortable mattress, and had no complaints on the frame or its sturdiness. Would recommend.
I looked forever for the perfect loft for my little girl. This is absolutely the one you want to get for yours.
Christmas present for my 9 year old daughter. I also have the Top selling twin-over-full bunk bed from another manufacturer. Its well built. But this minty fresh loft bed is built like a battleship. Rock solid, doesnt sway or squeak. Fit and finish is superb. Paint is great. Easy to put together. Our ceiling is only 76. This is the lowest loft bed with practical space underneath. We didnt pay more for the workstation attachment. You dont have to either. You can fit your own desk underneath. We added a white board to the long side. It covers the whole top half. Do this. It not only makes it extra fun, the white reflects diffused light to make the space brighter. We also added white led christmas lights as the main light source. These lights have 12 different settings, including bright steady for studying, and dim steady as a night light . You want a night light so your little girl (and based on the other reviews you are probably buying it for a little girl can easily go up and down in the middle of the night. The ladders are wider and the square shape doesnt hurt bare toes like the round ladder in our bunk bed. My daughter loves this. The look on her face when she saw it for the first time was, well, it was... aming. She loves to show it to her friends. I think shes made some new ones just so they can come over and play under, on, and around it.
There are alot of pieces to put together but it ...
There are alot of pieces to put together but it is totally worth it! I bought another set for another my daughters room at Wal-Mart before buying this one for my boys. The girls are jealous and i do not blame them!!!
The ladder rungs are pretty uncomfortable to step on.
THE BOX IT COMES IN IS RIDICULOUSLY HEAVY. Whoever the j-e-r-k is that delivered it left it at the bottom of the stairs to my apartment... However, I performed open box surgery at the bottom of the stairs and carried the pieces up to my apartment with the help of my almost 5 year old son. The kiddo absolutely loves his new bed. I put it together by myself, but its probably way easier if you have help. Came with no missing pieces. Most of the parts were labeled with little number stickers, but there were a couple long pieces I had to guess on. Its incredible how much more useable space a loft bed really gives you! The ladder rungs are pretty uncomfortable to step on, i climbed up to the top with my son once and i dont think i want to do it again unless im wearing shoes haha... Thats the only reason I took a star away, other than the ladder rungs its a 5 star product.
Cute and simple
Happy with purchase. Perfect for that extra room.
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