This bed is perfect for a small room! My 7year old boy uses this and he loves it and has gotten compliments from friends he has over. It does wobble a little bit but seems sturdy enough...and this is with him walking roughly on top of it!
Relatively easy to put together - if you can put together Ikea furniture I think this is even easier. Everything is labeled! Just dont tighten a section until its assembled. We put led christmas lights underneath and he uses it as a reading nook.
Its a sturdy, comfortable bed. I have a small room so this was necessary and it looks very nice. It wobbles a tiny bit but only because I dont have it bolted to the wall (it does come with the option and my only real dissatisfaction is that the round ladder steps are a bit painful. The railing isnt too high but high enough so I dont fall out. I highly enjoy this bed.
Love it. Havent slept in it yet. But its stylish. Im building my office space around the bed. So far so good. I have to remember to duck when going under.
OMFG!!! There are MILLIONS of pieces!!! I wasnt ready. Had no clue that EVERY, SINGLE piece of this bunk bed together- with an allen wrench definitely going back.
Honestly a bit wobbly, but youll get used to it over time. The frame makes it incredibly difficult to put the side guards on, so I just left them off. Maybe youll have better luck.
Great bed for small spaces.
This bed is perfect for a small room! My 7year old boy uses this and he loves it and has gotten compliments from friends he has over. It does wobble a little bit but seems sturdy enough...and this is with him walking roughly on top of it! Relatively easy to put together - if you can put together Ikea furniture I think this is even easier. Everything is labeled! Just dont tighten a section until its assembled. We put led christmas lights underneath and he uses it as a reading nook.
Good bed for a great price
Its a sturdy, comfortable bed. I have a small room so this was necessary and it looks very nice. It wobbles a tiny bit but only because I dont have it bolted to the wall (it does come with the option and my only real dissatisfaction is that the round ladder steps are a bit painful. The railing isnt too high but high enough so I dont fall out. I highly enjoy this bed.
... was bought for my 2 daughters and it is great! Its super sturdy
This was bought for my 2 daughters and it is great! Its super sturdy, good design, easy to assemble, and a good bargain.
Beautiful, As shown online!!!
Though the item came without instructions, my 10yr old and 9yr old daughters were able to Google instruction manual and get it done in one day.
Love it. Havent slept in it yet
Love it. Havent slept in it yet. But its stylish. Im building my office space around the bed. So far so good. I have to remember to duck when going under.
OMFG!!! There are MILLIONS of pieces! ...
OMFG!!! There are MILLIONS of pieces!!! I wasnt ready. Had no clue that EVERY, SINGLE piece of this bunk bed together- with an allen wrench definitely going back.
Received the package in a bad shape. All the plastic leg covers are broken
Received the package in a bad shape. All the plastic leg covers are broken. The bed still shakes a bit even after completely tightening all the bolts.
... time to put together but my daughter is very happy with them
Takes some time to put together but my daughter is very happy with them.
Nice kids bed
Very nice product. It isnt that hard to assemble and is very strong. Nice design and price.
Maybe youll have better luck.
Honestly a bit wobbly, but youll get used to it over time. The frame makes it incredibly difficult to put the side guards on, so I just left them off. Maybe youll have better luck.
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