Love it. A little hard to put together (for me personally but Im 411 and not the strongest haha I wish there was more protection bc there were some scuffs and a ding right out of the box. But it looks good overall and my daughter loves it.
Good quality, but connecting hardware could be a bit stronger. Bed frame is built well and is quite sturdy. Connecting bolts feel a bit flimsy for the use, but are holding up with my childs nightly use, even when his sister joins him.
Put this together all by myself. Very sturdy. I like how tall this is and the extra space you have below. We have vaulted ceilings so the height was not a problem. Great for my kids room.
This was a Christmas present for my daughter, and she loves it. It has been up for a few months and there have been no issues-even with a couple of slumber parties. The bed is sturdier than I thought it would be, and stable.
As far as putting it together-two people are better than one, but one person could probably do it. The instructions were great-we had no problems following them. The only tip I have would be to not tighten everything fully until the bed is fully assembled. It took us about an hour to assemble, so all in all, not too bad.
Very easy to put together. The instructions were very easy to follow. Also the clips were super easy to put in. For the full assembly it took my wife and I 1 hour and 30min.
Im pleased. It was easy enough to assemble. Give yourself a good amount of time to do it, but the directions are well done and easy to follow. Its a good bed frame. No complaints. Its not the strongest so I have to firm in my boundary of no monkey business using the bunk bed like a jungle gym. This is what we needed and its affordable.
Very easy to build and surprisingly sturdy. I had no problem following the instructions. This holds a standard size mattress on both levels and will hold an average size adult without issue.
This bed is a really good value (and American-made. It is quite sturdy even when used by adults. The parts are clearly labeled and assembly is straightforward. Yes, the clips can be a bit stubborn (although while I had occasional difficulty, my friend popped them right in, but when necessary a pliers helps. Assembles exactly as shown.
Love it. A little hard to put together (for ...
Love it. A little hard to put together (for me personally but Im 411 and not the strongest haha I wish there was more protection bc there were some scuffs and a ding right out of the box. But it looks good overall and my daughter loves it.
Nice Looking and Sturdy Bed
Good quality, but connecting hardware could be a bit stronger. Bed frame is built well and is quite sturdy. Connecting bolts feel a bit flimsy for the use, but are holding up with my childs nightly use, even when his sister joins him.
My two girls love it. Very sturdy I can climb up top ...
My two girls love it. Very sturdy I can climb up top and hold me and the kids no problem I weight 200 lbs
Very sturdy. I like how tall this is and the ...
Put this together all by myself. Very sturdy. I like how tall this is and the extra space you have below. We have vaulted ceilings so the height was not a problem. Great for my kids room.
As far as putting it together-two people are better than one
This was a Christmas present for my daughter, and she loves it. It has been up for a few months and there have been no issues-even with a couple of slumber parties. The bed is sturdier than I thought it would be, and stable. As far as putting it together-two people are better than one, but one person could probably do it. The instructions were great-we had no problems following them. The only tip I have would be to not tighten everything fully until the bed is fully assembled. It took us about an hour to assemble, so all in all, not too bad.
Great set up!
Very easy to put together
Very easy to put together. The instructions were very easy to follow. Also the clips were super easy to put in. For the full assembly it took my wife and I 1 hour and 30min.
Good and affordable
Im pleased. It was easy enough to assemble. Give yourself a good amount of time to do it, but the directions are well done and easy to follow. Its a good bed frame. No complaints. Its not the strongest so I have to firm in my boundary of no monkey business using the bunk bed like a jungle gym. This is what we needed and its affordable.
Very easy to build and surprisingly sturdy
Very easy to build and surprisingly sturdy. I had no problem following the instructions. This holds a standard size mattress on both levels and will hold an average size adult without issue.
Good, sturdy choice
This bed is a really good value (and American-made. It is quite sturdy even when used by adults. The parts are clearly labeled and assembly is straightforward. Yes, the clips can be a bit stubborn (although while I had occasional difficulty, my friend popped them right in, but when necessary a pliers helps. Assembles exactly as shown.
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