Purchased this for my daughter so she has an extra bed when her sister stays over. The last bed broke! This one seems very sturdy and she says she is happy and comfortable!
Amingly well built and sturdy. Good quality, good materials. Set up time was around 90 minutes and was done by one person, but moving the packaging box was difficult and very heavy and I was glad it was shipped rather than hauled in my vehicle. There are other kits that let you add a desk. Needs a mattress, not included.
Great, sturdy bed for our boys. The manufactured holes didnt always line up exactly. Do not tighten before all screws are in and you will need someone strong to hold the metal rails together so the holes will line up. Otherwise, great bed! : Assembled in an afternoon with two people.
These are really great for my boys . it took my husband about 2 hours to put together, It was a little wobble but he anchored to the wall to make it more stable. Overall it was a great buy.
The package arrived on time,it took about an hour to put together. My kids both love their new beds..Its enough room between the bottom and top bunk ,so a child can sit up easily in the bed without bumping head on anything.
Package was ripped open w/ corners very exposed. Directions were missing. Assembly was harder; same loft that we got from Walmart previous month lined up better.
Does the job and is good value.
Purchased this for my daughter so she has an extra bed when her sister stays over. The last bed broke! This one seems very sturdy and she says she is happy and comfortable!
Love it. Exactly what I thought it would be
Love it. Exactly what I thought it would be. Arrived in a week. Very sturdy, fairly simple to put together.
Super cute
Very sturdy and cute. Looks perfect for teens- young adults. Just be sure to make it is nailed properly.
Exactly what it looks like, good quality
Amingly well built and sturdy. Good quality, good materials. Set up time was around 90 minutes and was done by one person, but moving the packaging box was difficult and very heavy and I was glad it was shipped rather than hauled in my vehicle. There are other kits that let you add a desk. Needs a mattress, not included.
Fits perfect in my room and can fit my desk under
Fits perfect in my room and can fit my desk under. I am 6ft tall and can sit up on the bed with normal size ceilings. Perfect for me
Great bed for a great price! :
Great, sturdy bed for our boys. The manufactured holes didnt always line up exactly. Do not tighten before all screws are in and you will need someone strong to hold the metal rails together so the holes will line up. Otherwise, great bed! : Assembled in an afternoon with two people.
These are really great for my boys
These are really great for my boys . it took my husband about 2 hours to put together, It was a little wobble but he anchored to the wall to make it more stable. Overall it was a great buy.
My kids both love their new beds
The package arrived on time,it took about an hour to put together. My kids both love their new beds..Its enough room between the bottom and top bunk ,so a child can sit up easily in the bed without bumping head on anything.
Looks great and fits good in the
Looks great and fits good in the room
Walmart loft easier to assemble
Package was ripped open w/ corners very exposed. Directions were missing. Assembly was harder; same loft that we got from Walmart previous month lined up better.
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