With 8 ceilings, there is plenty of room at the top for sitting up and moving around for my 10 year old, whos a little tall for her age. A little time consuming but overall easy to assemble. Fairly sturdy without brackets but definitely want to use them. Longer brackets are needed for our use, as the bed is next to a window frame at one end.
My daughter loves her new bed. It is easy to assemble, but also easy to put certain pieces backwards so you have to take it apart a couple of times to get it right. The only negative is that however the coasters for the bedposts were all cracked or completely broken upon arrival. I had some similar items so I just fashioned my own replacements, could be a real problem as without the coasters it would scrap the floor terribly.
For the price, its pretty pricey for a bed. My daughter (almost 5yrs old who is almost 40lbs sleeps on this bed and it wiggles alot and makes noise. But overall, its nice and she likes to put her toys underneath to make a little fort. Wish it had a separate stair to up because she struggles from time to time.
We bought this bunk bed to replace a bulkier all-wooden one in a small bedroom. After several weeks, it seems quite sturdy and secure. We did have to tighten the ladder bolts a few days after assembly, but they seem to be staying tight now. The only downside to the bed is that the deck is made of thin rods so that a tucked-under sheet hangs through on the top bunk.
After looking at local businesses for bunk beds we turned here. Nobody seemed to keep these in stock around here and kept trying to sell wooden ones which were not needed just for a spare room. With a broken collarbone and broken ankle it took me right an hour to put together. Instructions were great and would recommend to anyone.
This is a very sturdy bed. Im a rather large male (265lbs and I was able to climb on top to make my sons bed with no issues. Its perfect for children and extraordinarily sturdy. It took quite a while to set up but it was worth it in the end. I would recommend this bed its solid.
Quality is great! Makes so much space in my daughters room Tons of little pieces took an hour to assemble
Plenty of room at the top
With 8 ceilings, there is plenty of room at the top for sitting up and moving around for my 10 year old, whos a little tall for her age. A little time consuming but overall easy to assemble. Fairly sturdy without brackets but definitely want to use them. Longer brackets are needed for our use, as the bed is next to a window frame at one end.
Great for small bedrooms!!
Great beds!! I bought 2 for my 13 and 10 year old boys. It provides them their own personal space under the bed.... its been a savior!
Very sturdy, some issues in the packaging
My daughter loves her new bed. It is easy to assemble, but also easy to put certain pieces backwards so you have to take it apart a couple of times to get it right. The only negative is that however the coasters for the bedposts were all cracked or completely broken upon arrival. I had some similar items so I just fashioned my own replacements, could be a real problem as without the coasters it would scrap the floor terribly.
Not that sturdy
For the price, its pretty pricey for a bed. My daughter (almost 5yrs old who is almost 40lbs sleeps on this bed and it wiggles alot and makes noise. But overall, its nice and she likes to put her toys underneath to make a little fort. Wish it had a separate stair to up because she struggles from time to time.
It is wobbly not sturdy at all
Sturdy and streamlined.
We bought this bunk bed to replace a bulkier all-wooden one in a small bedroom. After several weeks, it seems quite sturdy and secure. We did have to tighten the ladder bolts a few days after assembly, but they seem to be staying tight now. The only downside to the bed is that the deck is made of thin rods so that a tucked-under sheet hangs through on the top bunk.
Exactly what we wanted.
After looking at local businesses for bunk beds we turned here. Nobody seemed to keep these in stock around here and kept trying to sell wooden ones which were not needed just for a spare room. With a broken collarbone and broken ankle it took me right an hour to put together. Instructions were great and would recommend to anyone.
Sturdy and solid.
This is a very sturdy bed. Im a rather large male (265lbs and I was able to climb on top to make my sons bed with no issues. Its perfect for children and extraordinarily sturdy. It took quite a while to set up but it was worth it in the end. I would recommend this bed its solid.
Love this bed. Good quality for the price.
It is perfect, just needs to be a little more sturdy. Otherwise, my kids love it
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