Got these for my grand-daughters. Exceeded my expectations based on the cost. My grandson assembled without much difficulty. The beds are pretty and airy. We were really pleased with the headroom on the bottom bunk. You can sit up very easily.
The bed seems pretty sturdy was fairly easy to put together. We put it over a queen bed in a small room there is plenty of room on each side. My daughter 10 year old grandson put it together in a couple of hours. Now we have easy, extra sleeping space when we have the grandkids come to visit! So far so good!
The bed is great, my son loves having a couch that converts into a bed on the bottom. The only thing I dont like is the fact you have to pull the entire bed away from the wall to lay down the bottom futon.
My bedroom is also my daughters playroom and my home office, so I needed something that could create more space in the room. I looked at a bunch of loft beds but the reviews on this one sold me and the color was a definite bonus. It helps me create a balanced space and its sturdy enough for me and my daughter to hangout on. Even though its my mommy bed, my daughter loves it and if I ever get more space Im sure it will last long enough to pass it on to her. It was fairly easy to assemble with some help. It definitely shakes and things do fall off my desk when Im going up or down the ladder or if my daughter is climbing on it, I would mount it if i could but dont want to damage the walls. Overall Im really pleased with the purchase and glad i choose this one! Would recommend for teens or young adults living in small spaces!!
I am happy with this bed. I bought it for my 2 kids ages 7 and 4, currently they are both sleeping on a bed underneath but when they hang from the bars of the upper bed it does make noise but not a lot. I was able to assemble this on my own with ease. I would recommend.
Not that bad
Its really not bad but there a ton of little pieces
Good material
My little girl is so happy, she had her on bed
Estuvo perfecta, tal y como anunciaron
Ideal para economizar espacio
Fits a Cali king underneath!
Very nice fit a Cali king bed underneath it also which was a plus! Hopefully this bed holds up:
Nice bed for the money
Got these for my grand-daughters. Exceeded my expectations based on the cost. My grandson assembled without much difficulty. The beds are pretty and airy. We were really pleased with the headroom on the bottom bunk. You can sit up very easily.
Son loves it
Not too hard to assemble, and its sturdiness is questionable. If my son is happy, Im happy.
Attractive Sturdy
The bed seems pretty sturdy was fairly easy to put together. We put it over a queen bed in a small room there is plenty of room on each side. My daughter 10 year old grandson put it together in a couple of hours. Now we have easy, extra sleeping space when we have the grandkids come to visit! So far so good!
Great for kids.
The bed is great, my son loves having a couch that converts into a bed on the bottom. The only thing I dont like is the fact you have to pull the entire bed away from the wall to lay down the bottom futon.
This bed is good for grownups, too!
My bedroom is also my daughters playroom and my home office, so I needed something that could create more space in the room. I looked at a bunch of loft beds but the reviews on this one sold me and the color was a definite bonus. It helps me create a balanced space and its sturdy enough for me and my daughter to hangout on. Even though its my mommy bed, my daughter loves it and if I ever get more space Im sure it will last long enough to pass it on to her. It was fairly easy to assemble with some help. It definitely shakes and things do fall off my desk when Im going up or down the ladder or if my daughter is climbing on it, I would mount it if i could but dont want to damage the walls. Overall Im really pleased with the purchase and glad i choose this one! Would recommend for teens or young adults living in small spaces!!
Put together by myself just what I expected
I am happy with this bed. I bought it for my 2 kids ages 7 and 4, currently they are both sleeping on a bed underneath but when they hang from the bars of the upper bed it does make noise but not a lot. I was able to assemble this on my own with ease. I would recommend.
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