Once put together, these are very sturdy. The seat was heavier than I expected when I pulled it out of the box! I was happy about that. Putting it together is very SIMPLE, however, given that there are only starter holes and they expect you to finish them by hand with an ALLEN WRENCH is absolutely ridiculous. After 20 minutes of killing my hands, I thought I would look through my drill bits and see if I had one that would fit an Allen (Hex) shape. It took me literally maybe 90 seconds to put together the second stool. USE A DRILL with a hex bit, and you will have no problem. Im pretty annoyed at the fact they expect you to work with this little Allen wrench, but I love these stools!
I love the way these look. Really solid wood. Only downside is that they loosened up and became wobbly after a month of having them. Be very careful about tightening them. Too much they split, too little theyll wobble.
These are great stools for the price. However, none of the black wooden screw covers fit the holes to cover them. They were all way too small. Now I will have to go out and purchase them. Also one of the four stools I ordered was wobbly so I had to double up on the scuff pads to even it out. Just know you are getting what you pay for.
It arrived on time, the product is exactly what is being sold. It took less than 15mins to put together and they are perfect for my purpose. Overall great purchase.
The stools are pretty great, once assembled! They feel comfortable and they fit great in the space I have. Theyre easy to assemble with some minor flaws. The holes on the side where the wood plugs go are too big on some sides, so the plugs go all the way in leaving space. Im gonna paint the insides black to help hide it.
One more thing I want to add, and this may not necessarily apply to everyone. The box arrived beat up and poorly packaged, as indicated by the last picture. Whomever packaged this is lucky no pieces were damaged or lost. Virtually no padding whatsoever for the pieces.
We dont have much room in our condo, but wanted more seating options. These are perfect for tucking under our very narrow bar. And the seat is curved so they are comfy for your butt.
Just what I needed for my island. Kids enjoy them because they are easy to get on. I like them because they slide under and do not Take up any floor space when not in use.
These are relatively sturdy, but the holes are drilled out too big for the wood fillers so they have exposed screws. And the seat is pretty narrow.
You can buy with confidence
Very good product
Use a hex drill bit
Once put together, these are very sturdy. The seat was heavier than I expected when I pulled it out of the box! I was happy about that. Putting it together is very SIMPLE, however, given that there are only starter holes and they expect you to finish them by hand with an ALLEN WRENCH is absolutely ridiculous. After 20 minutes of killing my hands, I thought I would look through my drill bits and see if I had one that would fit an Allen (Hex) shape. It took me literally maybe 90 seconds to put together the second stool. USE A DRILL with a hex bit, and you will have no problem. Im pretty annoyed at the fact they expect you to work with this little Allen wrench, but I love these stools!
Be sure to tighten very well. It hurts your hands but do it.
I love the way these look. Really solid wood. Only downside is that they loosened up and became wobbly after a month of having them. Be very careful about tightening them. Too much they split, too little theyll wobble.
You Get What You Pay
These are great stools for the price. However, none of the black wooden screw covers fit the holes to cover them. They were all way too small. Now I will have to go out and purchase them. Also one of the four stools I ordered was wobbly so I had to double up on the scuff pads to even it out. Just know you are getting what you pay for.
Best bang for buck
It arrived on time, the product is exactly what is being sold. It took less than 15mins to put together and they are perfect for my purpose. Overall great purchase.
Great Stools, Crap Packaging
The stools are pretty great, once assembled! They feel comfortable and they fit great in the space I have. Theyre easy to assemble with some minor flaws. The holes on the side where the wood plugs go are too big on some sides, so the plugs go all the way in leaving space. Im gonna paint the insides black to help hide it. One more thing I want to add, and this may not necessarily apply to everyone. The box arrived beat up and poorly packaged, as indicated by the last picture. Whomever packaged this is lucky no pieces were damaged or lost. Virtually no padding whatsoever for the pieces.
Perfect for narrow spaces
We dont have much room in our condo, but wanted more seating options. These are perfect for tucking under our very narrow bar. And the seat is curved so they are comfy for your butt.
Love these!!
Just what I needed for my island. Kids enjoy them because they are easy to get on. I like them because they slide under and do not Take up any floor space when not in use.
My first piece of furniture
Its hardwood so its not the most pleasant on your butt. But it sure does make my apartment look nice. Im glad I have it.
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